Moss stains on bathroom ceramics don't disappear easily if you just brush them with floor cleaning fluid, you know.

  29 Februari 2024 17:00 - Bathroom floors that are left dirty for years are at risk of growing moss, especially since the air is often damp. Moss stains are definitely quite annoying, not only do they reduce the aesthetics of the bathroom, but they are also dangerous to step on because they are slippery. If moss stains appear in the bathroom, it is best to clean it immediately so that it shines again.

However, moss stains on bathroom ceramics don't disappear easily if you just brush them with floor cleaning fluid, you know. That's why many people choose other cleaning agents, such as citron which is dissolved in water, then applied and left for a while before brushing. However, citrus is sometimes difficult to find on the market.

Don't worry yet, because there are still tricks with other ingredients that are simpler and easier to obtain. A man shared a trick to get rid of moss stains on bathroom ceramics on the BE CREATIVE CHANNEL YouTube account. He said, this trick only requires the addition of two kitchen ingredients that are usually used for cooking.

How to clean moss stains on bathroom ceramics.

First, prepare a container filled with a little water. Then, add 1 tablespoon of toothpaste. If so, add 1 to 2 tablespoons of salt and a little vinegar. Yup, salt and vinegar are the main ingredients for practicing this trick to get rid of moss stains on bathroom ceramics. Stir until all ingredients are evenly mixed.

"But don't use a lot of this (vinegar), because it is related to cement, so that the cement doesn't get damaged, cracked or destroyed," stressed the owner of the YouTube account BE CREATIVE CHANNEL, quoted by BrilioFood on Thursday (29/2).

Men's tricks to get rid of moss stains on bathroom ceramics  YouTube


After that, sprinkle the bathroom tiles with salt to taste. If so, then sprinkle the cleaning agent mixture that has been made on the ceramic. Let it sit for a few minutes so that the cleaning agent absorbs into the moss stain. Then, brush the bathroom tiles until the stains are gone.

Men's tricks to get rid of moss stains on bathroom ceramics  YouTube


The owner of the YouTube account BE CREATIVE CHANNEL brushes his bathroom tiles with wire wool. But you can also use other tools available at home. After all the stains have faded, rinse the ceramic with clean water. How about it, the results are really shiny, right?

Men's tricks to get rid of moss stains on bathroom ceramics  YouTube


If you are interested in trying a trick to get rid of moss stains on bathroom ceramics like this or do you have other tricks? Taking a peek at the BE CREATIVE CHANNEL YouTube upload, it's true that not many other netizens have left comments, but this video has received enthusiasm more than 2,000 times, you know.

How to clean household furniture with salt.

Salt has been proven to be effective in cleaning bathroom ceramics. But, did you know that this kitchen spice is also effective for cleaning various household items? Take a peek at how below.

1. Pots and pans.

Rub salt on dirty or rusty areas, then rinse with water. Salt can help scrape off dirt or rust that sticks to metal surfaces.

2. Ceramics and porcelain.

Mix salt with water to make a paste, then use the paste to clean hard-to-remove stains on ceramic or porcelain furniture.

3. Kettle and cup.

Salt can help remove stains or limescale from the surface of the kettle and cup. Just mix salt with warm water, then use the mixture to clean the surface.

4. Glass and mirrors.

Mix salt with vinegar or warm water to clean glass and mirrors. Salt helps scrape away dirt without leaving streaks.

5. Brush.

Use salt as a cleaner to clean your toothbrush, hairbrush, or other brush. Salt can help remove dirt and bacteria stuck to the brush.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.