foto: YouTube/Alfrida ATRI; YouTube/Galeri Linda

No need to bother with sanding, the crust is easy to peel off.

  1 Maret 2024 09:00 - Home area cleaning activities can be carried out regularly according to needs, for example once a month, once a week, or even every day. One area of the house that must be cleaned regularly is the toilet or bathroom, so that it is germ-free, always shines and doesn't smell bad.

However, many people are confused about how to clean the toilet so that the results can be shiny. The reason is that bathroom cleaning fluid alone is sometimes not effective enough to clean stubborn limescale on the toilet. That's why many people choose to clean it by rubbing it with sandpaper.

Sandpaper has a rough textured surface, so it is easy to scrape off stubborn stains on the toilet. However, if you don't have sandpaper at home, don't worry because there is a simpler method to practice at home. This method was shared by netizens on Alfrida ATRI's YouTube account.

"This method can also clean remaining cement on ceramics," he wrote in Alfrida ATRI's YouTube upload, quoted by BrilioFood on Thursday (29/2).

How to descale the toilet.

The way to clean limescale stains in the toilet by the netizen known as Alfrida is said to only require one kitchen ingredient, namely vinegar. He uses ordinary table vinegar. But you can also use other types of vinegar, you know. To do this, just pour vinegar all over the toilet or ceramic that you want to clean.

Without sanding, this is how to clean limescale stains in the toilet  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Alfrida ATRI

Next, just brush the toilet or ceramic with vinegar until all the stains are gone. If so, flush the toilet or ceramic with clean water until there are no more stains or vinegar left behind. Guaranteed, the toilet will shine like new again.

Without sanding, this is how to clean limescale stains in the toilet  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Alfrida ATRI

So, are you interested in trying this method of cleaning limescale stains in the toilet using vinegar? Taking a peek at Alfrida ATRI's YouTube upload which has been watched 4,000 times, several netizens have also left enthusiastic comments about this method, you know.

"When the floor tiles are dry, they look white, sis? The problem is, mine has all the cement on it. The color is so ugly, it's dirty," asked YouTube @KaryaNNpati and got an answer from the video owner, "Just try it... I can definitely do that. repeated 3 times and the results were clean again."

"You can use other brands of vinegar, sis," said YouTube @anaaja3109 and replied, "Yes, you can use any brand of vinegar, okay?"

A simple way to treat irritated skin caused by vinegar.

Vinegar has quite a high acid content, so for sensitive skin, this ingredient has the risk of causing irritation. However, you don't need to worry because there are a number of simple ways to overcome this.

1. Rinse with cold water.

Immediately rinse the irritated area with cold water. Cold water can help relieve the burning sensation and reduce inflammation of the skin.

2. Use moisturizer.

After cleansing the irritated area, apply a light moisturizer to help keep the skin moisturized and reduce discomfort.

3. Avoid using vinegar.

Stop using vinegar on your skin if you experience irritation. Avoid using products or ingredients that irritate your skin.

4. Cold compress.

If irritation is still felt, you can use a cold compress with a towel soaked in cold water to help relieve inflammation and burning sensation.

5. Apply aloe vera gel.

Aloe vera gel has calming properties and can help relieve skin irritation. Apply pure aloe vera gel to the irritated area and let it absorb.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.