foto: TikTok/@junayerr

This trick to eradicate mold stains in cupboards is guaranteed to be effective and more economical.

  15 Agustus 2024 12:00 - Cabinets that have been used for a long time are at risk of mold, especially if the cabinet is made of wood. Mold stains can appear because the cabinet is damp. One trick to prevent mold from appearing in the cabinet is to put camphor or camphor.

However, if the mold stains have already appeared, camphor is sometimes still not effective enough to remove them. Many people choose to immediately repaint the moldy cabinet. However, this method is certainly quite complicated and requires a lot of capital.

Well, you don't need to worry first, because there is a trick to eradicate mold stains in the closet that is much simpler and more economical, as shown by TikTok account user @byauroraaashop. This woman explained that she only needed two kitchen ingredients to practice this trick.

" Here's how to get rid of mold in your cupboard with natural ingredients, " he wrote in the caption of the TikTok video @byauroraaashop, quoted by BrilioFood on Thursday (15/8).

Tricks to get rid of mold stains in the cupboard using only 2 ingredients  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@byauroraaashop

Well, the kitchen ingredients in question are lime and salt. The method is to put lime juice and salt in a small bowl. Then, stir until the two ingredients are evenly mixed.

Tricks to get rid of mold stains in the cupboard using only 2 ingredients  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@byauroraaashop

On the other hand, you also need a toothbrush to brush the cabinet later. Just use an old toothbrush that is no longer used. Immediately dip the toothbrush into the lime and salt mixture.

Tricks to get rid of mold stains in the cupboard using only 2 ingredients  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@byauroraaashop

Next, rub the toothbrush all over the cabinet area that has mold stains. Make sure all the contents of the cabinet have been removed first before scrubbing. After scrubbing until the mold stains are gone, don't forget to dry the cabinet with a clean cloth.

So, how about it, isn't this trick to eradicate mold stains in the cupboard using lime and salt really simple? Are you interested in trying it at home or do you have other tricks that are more effective?
