foto: Instagram/@rumah.kamali

So that clothes stay clean and smell good, not contaminated with mold and so on.

  23 April 2024 15:00 - Damp and moldy cupboards are often a problem experienced by many people. The causes of this problem can vary, ranging from environmental conditions that are too humid to a lack of good air ventilation. High humidity and lack of air circulation can create an ideal environment for the growth of mold and bacteria, potentially damaging items stored in cupboards.

Meanwhile, the impact of damp and moldy cupboards can be felt directly or indirectly. Directly, humidity can damage materials stored in cupboards, such as clothes, books or furniture. The fungus and bacteria that develop can also cause unpleasant odors and be detrimental to health. Meanwhile, as an indirect impact, damp and moldy cupboards can also become a breeding ground for pests such as termites, which can damage the structure of the house.

To overcome the problem of damp and moldy cupboards, it is important to maintain cleanliness and dryness in the cupboard. Good air ventilation is also needed to ensure the air in the cupboard is not too humid. Unfortunately, not all cupboards are designed with good ventilation. For this reason, some people usually put camphor so that the cupboard doesn't get damp easily.

However, instead of putting camphor which has a strong smell, you can use other, more natural materials, you know. There are food ingredients that Instagram user @rumah.kamali has used to prevent moisture and mold in his wardrobe. Well, this ingredient tends to be safe and effective, you know.

Tricks so that cupboards don't get damp and moldy easily.

Reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @rumah.kamali, Tuesday (23/4), the food ingredient in question is rice. So basically, rice grains have a structure that can absorb the moisture around them, similar to the function of desiccant or silica gel which is often used in packaging for electronic goods or medicines to maintain moisture. Because of this property, rice can be used as a natural ingredient to absorb moisture in cupboards or other storage containers.

tricks so that cupboards don't get damp and moldy easily  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@rumah.kamali

How to use it is quite easy. You just put a handful of rice into the milk filter bag. Or you can also use a thin cloth bag as a container. But make sure the container has a rope that can be tied or hooked.

tricks so that cupboards don't get damp and moldy easily  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@rumah.kamali

Then, if you want it to be more fragrant, add a few drops of essential oil to the rice. Then stir until evenly mixed. Only then tie the rope and hang it or just place it in the cupboard. That way, the rice will absorb moisture and unpleasant odors. This will make the cupboards mold-free too, you know.

tricks so that cupboards don't get damp and moldy easily  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@rumah.kamali

This video about tricks for preventing mold in cupboards has been watched more than 49 thousand times since it was uploaded last Saturday (20/4). Who would have thought, many netizens just found out and were interested in trying this trick. This was expressed directly in the comments column.

"Wow, just use the equipment and materials you have at home... thanks for the tips," said Instagram @shaqihouse.

"Wow, I want to try using rice too," said Instagram @mamia_cania.

"MasyaAlloh, finally found a solution that doesn't waste fragrance, syukron bukam," explained Instagram @_namae_nashi.

"Thanks for the tips. I've heard that rice is good for controlling humidity. Nice tips," said Instagram @littleourstory.

"Just found out, sis," replied Instagram @assyahidahsyifa.

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A post shared by Rumah.Kamali (@rumah.kamali)

Benefits of rice for the household.

Rice, apart from being an important staple food, also has various benefits for the household. Here are some of the benefits:

1. Staple food.

Rice is a staple food for many people around the world, so having rice at home can ensure sufficient food availability.

2. Energy source.

Rice contains complex carbohydrates which provide the energy the body needs for daily activities.

3. Easy storage.

Rice can be stored for long periods of time without the need for special refrigeration, making it ideal for storing at home.

4. Overcome wetness.

Rice can be used to absorb moisture in food storage boxes, thereby preventing other foods from becoming damp and moldy.

5. Cleaner.

Raw rice can be used as a natural cleaner to clean vases, bottles, or other hard-to-reach containers.

6. Deal with humidity.

Rice can also be used to overcome moisture in salt or sugar by adding a few grains of rice to the storage container.

7. Meat tenderizer.

Soaked rice can be used to tenderize meat before cooking, making the meat easier to digest.

8. Deal with twitching.

Rice soaked in water can be used to treat wrinkles in fabric. Simply place the cloth on a flat surface, place the rice on top, and leave overnight.

9. Glass cleaner.

The leftover water from washing rice can be used to clean glass and leave a clean, shining surface.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.