YouTube/Bayu T ala W

Bathroom doors are made from PVC because the price is relatively affordable and maintenance is quite easy.

  15 Februari 2024 20:00 - Many people choose bathroom doors made from PVC because the price is relatively affordable and maintenance is quite easy. Even though maintenance is relatively easy, many people often forget to clean the bathroom door. As a result, the bathroom door is filled with dirt stuck to the surface.

If not cleaned immediately, the dirt will eventually turn the bathroom door yellow . The more you leave it, the more dirty and dull it will look. Moreover, if the bathroom door is white, the yellow stain will be clearly visible. To overcome this, many people choose to clean the bathroom door with bleach.

If the bathroom door is already full of yellow stains, but you don't have bleach, you can still try this method, you know. A netizen via the Bayu T ala W YouTube channel shared a quick trick to get rid of yellow stains on the bathroom door.

Instead of using bleach, he uses simple ingredients he has at home.

Tricks for cleaning bathroom doors that are full of limescale and yellow stains.

These ingredients are citrus and dish soap. With these two simple ingredients, it won't take you long to clean the bathroom door, you know.

quick trick to get rid of yellow stains on the bathroom door plus 1 kitchen ingredient  various sources

photo: YouTube/Bayu T ala W

Reported by BrilioFood from YouTube Bayu T ala W on Thursday (15/2), first prepare a pan filled with water, then cook until it boils. Also prepare a container to mix the cleaning agent.

Pour hot water into a container containing 2 packets of citrus and dish soap. Stir until evenly mixed.

Citrus and dish soap are known to be quite effective at removing stains. This is because dishwashing soap contains texaphon which can help remove fat and dirt from the surface of objects.

quick trick to get rid of yellow stains on the bathroom door plus 1 kitchen ingredient  various sources

photo: YouTube/Bayu T ala W

Brush the stained bathroom door with a mixture of citrus and dish soap. Apply using a brush slowly.

quick trick to get rid of yellow stains on the bathroom door plus 1 kitchen ingredient  various sources

photo: YouTube/Bayu T ala W

It didn't take long, after being smeared with cleaning fluid, the yellow stain on the bathroom door slowly began to fade. He also scrubbed the bathroom door with dishwashing wire and a sponge.

quick trick to get rid of yellow stains on the bathroom door plus 1 kitchen ingredient  various sources

photo: YouTube/Bayu T ala W

The next step to clean the bathroom door is to rinse it with water. As a result, the bathroom door is clean and bright again. The yellow stains that previously looked full, are now faded and lifted.
