Youtube/Yosh Handopo

A foggy helmet visor can cause accidents because it is difficult for the driver to see the road clearly.

  14 Mei 2024 10:00 - Helmet visors that fog up when exposed to water can be a serious problem for motorbike or bicycle riders. The main cause is the temperature difference between the surrounding air and the air inside the helmet, so that the visor becomes cold and fogs up when exposed to warmer air or when water is present. As a result, drivers will experience vision problems which can endanger safety.

A foggy helmet visor can cause accidents because it is difficult for the driver to see the road clearly. In addition, if the helmet visor continues to fog up, this can affect the durability of the helmet visor itself because of water deposits which can damage the surface of the visor.

To overcome this problem, you can use several methods . Starting from using a helmet visor that is equipped with an anti-fog system, cleaning the helmet regularly, or even applying toothpaste to the surface of the visor. After investigating, toothpaste is considered to be able to make helmet visors waterproof, you know.

However, apart from smearing it with toothpaste, there are other ways that are no less effective in dealing with helmet visors that fog up easily. This method was shared by YouTube user Yosh Handopo. Through one of the uploaded videos, he admitted that he only relied on simple ingredients in his kitchen to make his helmet visor waterproof.

The trick so that your helmet visor doesn't fog up easily and is waterproof uses 2 kitchen ingredients.

Reported by BrilioFood from YouTube Yosh Handopo on Tuesday (14/5), the kitchen ingredients in question are dish soap and potato pieces. So, these two materials will later be used separately. You can use either of these two ingredients.

Tricks to prevent helmet visors from fogging up easily  YouTube

photo: Youtube/Yosh Handopo

To do this, immediately pour a little dish soap onto the surface of the helmet. Then immediately wipe evenly using a soft cloth so that the glass doesn't get scratched. After that, wet it a little and rub it again. If so, rinse and wash with running water until it is completely clean.

"Using S*nlight can make water not stick easily. So when it rains, the water immediately flows," said YouTube Yosh Handopo.

Tricks to prevent helmet visors from fogging up easily  YouTube

photo: Youtube/Yosh Handopo

So, if you use potatoes, just prepare a few potato pieces. Then cut a little so that the surface is wet. Then immediately spread the potato pieces evenly over the entire surface of the helmet visor. This will make the juice from the potato stick to the surface of the helmet visor.

"Potatoes have certain juices or liquids that prevent the water from pooling, the water droplets don't get stuck in the glass, so they flow straight away," he explained further.

Tricks to prevent helmet visors from fogging up easily  YouTube

photo: Youtube/Yosh Handopo

After scrubbing the potatoes, let it sit for 5-10 minutes. Only then, wipe it a little and the helmet visor can be used safely. In the video, user Yosh Yosh Handopo sprays water on the surface of the helmet visor. Who would have thought, the water would fall straight down and not pool on the helmet visor.

Tricks to prevent helmet visors from fogging up easily  YouTube

photo: Youtube/Yosh Handopo

Even though both are equally effective, according to YouTube user Yosh Handopo, potatoes are much more effective in making helmet visors waterproof. Even the glass doesn't fog up at all, you know. Apart from being effective, the technique is also simpler and practically replicable.

Tips for keeping your helmet from blurring.

Keeping your helmet from fogging or becoming opaque is an important step to maintain comfort and safety when riding. Here are nine tips that you can do.

1. Use an anti-fog helmet visor.

Choose a helmet equipped with an anti-fog visor. This will help reduce the chance of the helmet visor fogging up.

2. Use a helmet visor protector.

Use an additional visor protector that can be installed inside the visor to reduce condensation and help air circulate inside the helmet.

3. Make sure the helmet vents are open.

Make sure the helmet ventilation is open properly so that air can flow properly inside the helmet, reducing humidity which can cause dew.

4. Use a microfiber cloth.

Use a microfiber cloth to clean the helmet visor regularly. Clean the helmet visor from dust and dirt so as not to worsen the foggy condition.

5. Avoid using a helmet that is too tight.

A helmet that is too tight can reduce air circulation inside the helmet. Make sure the helmet fits your head but is not too tight.

6. Use anti-fog fluid.

Use special anti-fog fluid for helmet visors. Apply this liquid to the helmet visor and wipe evenly to help reduce condensation.

7. Do not store helmets in closed and damp places.

If possible, avoid storing the helmet in a damp place or tightly closed. Store the helmet in a dry place protected from moisture.

8. Use a fog mask.

Wear a fog mask inside your helmet to help reduce moisture and condensation that can cause your visor to fog up.

9. Check the condition of the ventilation rubber.

Make sure the rubber ventilation on the helmet is still in good condition and not damaged. Damaged rubber can reduce the effectiveness of helmet ventilation.
