Sometimes just drying is not enough. Helmets also need to be cleaned with special tricks so that the musty smell is completely gone.

  7 Mei 2024 11:00 - A helmet is a piece of riding equipment that must be worn when traveling on a motorbike. Because they are used almost every day, helmets are prone to getting dirty and developing an unpleasant odor. This smell can be caused by sweat sticking to the inside of the helmet.

Sweat that sticks to the inside of the helmet can become damp and over time a musty smell will develop. If the helmet is not washed immediately, the musty smell will spread further and make the person wearing it uncomfortable. So, as a solution, many people dry their helmets in the sun to get rid of the dampness and musty smell.

But sometimes just drying it in the sun is not enough. Helmets also need to be cleaned with special tricks so that the musty smell is completely gone. This trick was shared by YouTube user CAKRA CREATIVE. In one of his uploads, he admitted that he used an additional kitchen ingredient to remove the musty smell from the helmet.

How to get rid of the musty smell in your helmet.

Reported by BrilioFood from YouTube CAKRA KREATIF on Monday (6/5), the ingredient used is black coffee powder. The YouTube user also uses detergent and clothes freshener to clean the helmet.

trick to get rid of the musty smell in your helmet using 1 additional kitchen ingredient  various sources


First of all, disassemble all components of the helmet. After that, prepare a large bucket filled with water to soak the helmet. If so, add enough detergent powder to the water. Then insert all the helmet components. Make sure everything is completely submerged, okay?

trick to get rid of the musty smell in your helmet using 1 additional kitchen ingredient  various sources


"Soak the helmet for approximately 30 minutes," he said.

After soaking for 30 minutes, scrub all components of the helmet using a brush until it is completely clean. Next, the helmet components are rinsed with clothing freshener. Then dry the cloth inside the helmet until dry.

trick to get rid of the musty smell in your helmet using 1 additional kitchen ingredient  various sources


"This is the result after I dried it in the sun. It took 1 day for the drying process," said the YouTube account owner.

trick to get rid of the musty smell in your helmet using 1 additional kitchen ingredient  various sources


Next, prepare a tea bag. Punch a hole in the top of the tea bag. If so, remove the tea powder and fill the tea bag with enough black coffee powder. After that, seal the top of the bag again using hot glue.

trick to get rid of the musty smell in your helmet using 1 additional kitchen ingredient  various sources


Then attach the bag to the inside of the helmet foam. If so, reinstall all helmet components as before. That way, the musty smell on the helmet is completely gone.

"This helmet no longer smells musty because we have added coffee," he concluded.

How to remove mold from helmet visors.

Removing mold on helmets is an important step to maintain cleanliness and health when using a helmet. Here are several ways to get rid of mold on helmets:

1. Regular cleaning.

Clean the helmet regularly using mild soap and warm water. Use a soft brush to clean every part of the helmet, including the foam inside.

2. Use special cleaning fluid.

There are several special cleaning products designed to clean helmets and remove mold and unpleasant odors. You can look for this product at helmet stores or automotive supply stores.

3. Good drying.

Make sure the helmet is completely dry after cleaning. Leave the helmet in direct sunlight for several hours to kill any fungus and bacteria that may be inside.

4. Use of disinfectants.

After cleaning your helmet, you can use a disinfectant that is safe for use on helmets. Spray disinfectant on the inside of the helmet and let it dry completely before using it again.

5. Replacement of helmet foam.

If the helmet foam is too dirty or has started to deteriorate due to mold, consider replacing it with new foam. This will help keep the helmet clean and comfortable.

6. Proper storage.

Make sure to store the helmet in a dry place and protected from moisture. Do not expose the helmet to water or excessive humidity, as this can trigger mold growth.

7. Use of helmet covers.

Using a helmet cover when not in use can help protect the helmet from dust, dirt and moisture which can cause mold growth.

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