foto: TikTok/@kalamerasa

If people usually have to mop 2-3 times, only use this method once.

  5 Maret 2024 20:00 - A clean floor can usually be seen from its shiny appearance and feels rough when stepped on. It's different if it's dirty, the floor usually looks dirty or feels slippery. If it's dirty like this, it's a sign that the floor needs to be mopped immediately to make it shine again.

However, many people don't want to mop the floor because they think it's a waste of energy. The reason is, so that the floor can be shiny and rough again, quite a few people have to mop it 2 or 3 times. This is apparently because the water mixture used for the mop is not effective enough to remove stains.

It's not surprising that many people choose to add a number of kitchen ingredients to the water mixture for mopping, for example vinegar. Vinegar is known to have a high acid content to help remove stains. However, different from netizens on the TikTok account @kalamerasa, this woman said there are other tricks for mopping the floor so that it lasts for up to 3 days, you know.

"Mat and anti-sticky oil," he wrote in a TikTok upload @kalamerasa, quoted by BrilioFood on Tuesday (5/3).

Tricks for mopping floors so they last up to 3 days.

First, prepare a basin or container to hold water and a mop, then fill it with hot water. The owner of the TikTok account @kalamerasa said that he always uses hot water to mop because it works better at removing stains than regular room temperature water.

Next, mix the hot water with a little salt and dish soap. Yup, salt and dish soap are the main ingredients for practicing this floor mopping trick. Mix thoroughly with a mop.

Without using vinegar, here's a trick for mopping the floor to make it last longer  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@kalamerasa

After that, squeeze the mop and immediately use it to mop the floor. Guaranteed, with this trick, you only need to mop once until the floor is shiny and scratchy again. So, there's no need to waste a lot of energy mopping repeatedly, right?

Without using vinegar, here's a trick for mopping the floor to make it last longer  TikTok

photo: TikTok/@kalamerasa

So, do you have any other tricks or are you interested in trying tricks for mopping the floor so it lasts rough like this? Taking a peek at @kalamerasa's TikTok upload, apart from receiving several enthusiastic comments from netizens, this video has also been watched more than 128 thousand times, you know.

@kalamerasa For those of you who want to have floor mats up to 3 a day, try it .

How to deal with stiff mops.

After being used many times, the mop can become stiff when it dries. This sometimes makes it difficult to adjust the mop when used again for mopping. So, you can try some of the methods below to deal with stiff mops.

1. Soak in warm water.

Soak the mop in warm water for several hours or overnight. Warm water will help loosen fabric fibers and reduce stiffness.

2. Add softener or bleach.

If it is safe for your type of mop, add the recommended softener or bleach to the soaking water. This can help loosen the fibers of the fabric and make it softer.

3. Use a dryer.

After washing the mop, place it in the clothes dryer on a low or medium heat setting. The dryer will help loosen the fabric fibers and reduce stiffness.

4. Use a gentle dryer.

If possible, dry the mop in an air dryer or hang it outside the house. The wind will help loosen the fibers of the fabric and make it softer.

5. Iron on low setting.

If the mop still feels stiff after washing and drying, iron the cloth on a low temperature setting. This can also help loosen the fibers of the fabric and make it softer.

6. Use fabric softener.

After washing the mop, add fabric softener during the final rinsing process. Fabric softener will help soften fabric fibers and reduce stiffness.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.