foto: TikTok/@kontrakantresnha

This trick is quite effective in making the floor rougher, shinier and cleaner.

  1 Maret 2024 16:00 - A comfortable house is a house that is clean and well maintained. One way to keep your house clean is to regularly mop the floor. The reason is, the floor area is quite easy to get dirty and oily. The cause could be dust or spilled food or drink.

If the floor is left dirty, it usually becomes difficult to get dirty if you just mop it with a mixture of floor cleaning fluid and water. A number of people also choose to add other ingredients to make their floors smooth and clean again.

One way is to add salt. This kitchen ingredient is believed to help remove stains and make the floor surface rougher .

However, if you don't want to use salt to mop the floor, there are still other methods you can try to make the floor shine . As done by TikTok user @contractantresnha. After all, this trick only requires the addition of one kitchen ingredient, you know. What do you think the trick is?

effective trick to make the floor shine using 1 additional kitchen ingredient  various sources

Effective trick to make the floor shine using 1 additional kitchen ingredient

"Tips for mopping the floor so it shines," wrote TikTok @contractantresnha in his upload quoted by BrilioFood on Thursday (29/2).

effective trick to make the floor shine using 1 additional kitchen ingredient  various sources

Effective trick to make the floor shine using 1 additional kitchen ingredient

First, he prepared his microfiber mop and bucket. Then, put enough hot water into the bucket. Hot water can help remove stains and dirt stuck to the floor surface.

Then, add the main kitchen ingredient, namely dishwashing soap. Use enough dishwashing soap. It is believed that not excessive amounts of dishwashing soap can make the floor rough and shiny.

Dish washing soap also contains texaphon, which can help remove dirt and grease stuck to the surface of the floor.

effective trick to make the floor shine using 1 additional kitchen ingredient  various sources

Effective trick to make the floor shine using 1 additional kitchen ingredient

Next, add enough floor cleaning fluid. Then dip a microfiber mop into a bucket of cleaning fluid, and wring out the cloth.

effective trick to make the floor shine using 1 additional kitchen ingredient  various sources

Effective trick to make the floor shine using 1 additional kitchen ingredient

Immediately mop the entire floor area in the house with the cleaning fluid. Also mop hard-to-reach places under tables or cupboards to keep them clean. Finally, let the floor dry and the result is that the floor of the house will be shiny and clean.

How about it, it's quite an easy trick to make the floor shine, isn't it?

@contractantresnha Tips for mopping the floor so it shines... is there anyone with the same method of mopping as I do? Don't forget the mop too ... click the link in my bio, click number 38 .

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.