YouTube/siti khoiriyah

If you have difficulty finding citrus fruits on the market, don't be confused yet.

  25 Februari 2024 15:30 - Mopping can be done regularly so that the floor of the house is always clean and comfortable to walk on. If you rarely mop it, the floor can become slippery and full of stains. Especially in a room that gets dirty quickly, like the kitchen, it definitely needs to be mopped more often than other areas of the house.

If the floor is very dirty, sometimes water and floor cleaner alone are not effective enough to remove the stain. That's why many people choose to add other ingredients that are considered effective in repelling dirt on the floor, one of which is citrus or citric acid. This chemical has a high enough acid content to help clean stains.

However, if you have difficulty finding citron on the market, don't be confused yet because there are many other tricks for mopping slippery and dirty floors so they are clean and rough again. One of the tricks was shared by netizens on Siti Khoiriyah's YouTube account. He said, just use one kitchen ingredient to make the floor rough again.

This trick for mopping slippery and dirty floors makes them rough clean.

First, prepare the bucket and mop. Then, pour enough water into the bucket. Add a little of whatever floor cleaning fluid you usually use at home. So, here's the key to making the floor easy to clean, add dish soap. Yup, that's the basic kitchen ingredient for practicing this floor mopping trick .

Stir the mop in the bucket. Then, lift and wring the mop until it is no longer too wet before using it for mopping.

Without mixing it with citrus, tricks for mopping slippery floors  YouTube

photo: YouTube/siti khoiriyah

Next, mop the entire floor of the house starting from the cleanest room to the dirtiest. Every time you finish mopping, immediately wipe the floor using a clean, dry cloth, so that the floor can be smooth and shiny.

"Use the cloth for walking footwear and skip the one that has been mopped so that it can absorb the remaining water, so you don't have to work twice," said YouTube account owner Siti Khoiriyah, quoted by BrilioFood on Sunday (25/2).

Without mixing it with citrus, tricks for mopping slippery floors  YouTube

photo: YouTube/siti khoiriyah

Wow, even without citrus, you can still mop the floor until it's rough with this trick, right? Taking a peek at Siti Khoiriyah's YouTube upload, it's true that not many netizens have left comments, but this video has already received 15 thousand viewers, you know.

"Isn't it slippery, Mom," asked YouTube @nurchasanahwarda1282 and got a reply from the video owner, "No, Mom. You can try it if you're worried about it being slippery. You can measure it 1:1, sunlingt=wipol. At the same time, you're mopping. Put a napkin on your feet too (dry it off) ). once work."

Other kitchen materials can be used to mop the floor.

There are kitchen ingredients other than dish soap that you can also use to mop the floor, you know. Here are a number of kitchen ingredients that are no less effective for mopping the floor.

1. Vinegar.

Vinegar is a natural cleaning agent that is effective for cleaning floors, especially floors that have stubborn stains or oil dirt. Mix vinegar with water in appropriate proportions before use.

2. Baking soda.

Baking soda is a good absorbent and can also help remove unpleasant odors from floors. You can sprinkle a little baking soda on the floor before mopping to help clean and freshen the room.

3. Salt.

Salt can be used as a natural scrub to clean stubborn stains or dirt on the floor. Mix a little salt with water to make a paste and use it as a scrubber when mopping.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.