foto: TikTok/@didinchannel01

Even though it seems odd, you have to try this trick.

  17 Mei 2024 16:00 - The human body tries to maintain its core temperature of around 37.5 degrees Celsius, and when the weather is hot, the body has to work harder to maintain this temperature, which can cause discomfort. It's not surprising, in the midst of hot weather, especially when the sun is hot, people will look for ways to cool their bodies.

Most of them will certainly feel at home in an air-conditioned room or a room that can provide coolness. Even if they have to go out, they will look for various ways to avoid being exposed to direct sunlight, such as carrying an umbrella or using a portable fan wherever they go. Anyway, they will do various things.

So, when you have to face the hot sun and hot conditions, you don't need to bother bringing a portable fan. You just have to follow the unique trick shared by TikTok user DIDIN CHANNEL. In the upload, the men saw a young man who was working. The young man complained of being hot, especially working while fasting.

Hot air becomes as cold as this AC, creative pol  2024

hot air becomes as cold as the AC, this is really creative

These gentlemen then looked for a solution to rely on one kitchen ingredient to change hot air to become as cold as AC. He went to the kitchen and took something out of the refrigerator. Unexpectedly, the idea was very creative.

Hot air becomes as cold as this AC, creative pol  2024

hot air becomes as cold as the AC, this is really creative

Reported by the BrilioFood TikTok account on Thursday (16/5), the kitchen ingredient used was ice cubes. The method is quite easy. Put the ice cubes in a plastic bag. Then put a plastic bag around your neck.

Are you interested in trying this unique trick?

Hot air becomes as cold as this AC, creative pol  2024

hot air becomes as cold as the AC, this is really creative

The upload received attention from netizens. Not a few netizens have left funny comments on the DIDIN CHANNEL TikTok account.

"@rere the real sing hot in the refrigerator," wrote the account @NS

"hot refrigerator," commented the account @

"Grandma, this is the definition of hot in es," said the account @Ndak Popo.

@didinchannel01 Work solutions to stay fresh in the fasting month #steady men Kamana Cintana - Nina

How to make ice cubes freeze quickly in the refrigerator.

Getting ice cubes to freeze quickly in the refrigerator can be a challenge, especially if your refrigerator or freezer doesn't have a special setting to speed up the freezing process. Here are some tips that can help speed up the freezing of ice cubes:

1. Use cold water.

Start with cold water from the tap or water that has been chilled in the refrigerator. Cold water takes less time to freeze than room temperature water.

2. Reduce the size of the ice cube mold.

Use a smaller ice cube tray. The reason is, smaller molds will freeze more quickly than larger ones because they have less volume.

3. Increase air circulation in the freezer.

Make sure there is enough space around the ice cube tray for air flow. If possible, place the ice cube tray on the top shelf or in the coldest part of the freezer.

4. Use boiling water

Apart from making the ice cubes clearer, boiling water poured into the mold will freeze more quickly. This is caused by a reduction in the amount of dissolved gases in the water.

5. Set the freezer to the lowest temperature.

Make sure your freezer is set to the lowest temperature (usually around -18C or lower). The lower the temperature, the faster the water will freeze.

6. Use pure water.

If you use pure water (distilled) or water that has been properly filtered, the freezing process can be faster because there is less mineral content in the water.
