foto: YouTube/SuksesBerkreasi

No need to rush to the tailor, you can handle it first.

  17 Mei 2024 13:00 - Zippers on trousers or other equipment are at risk of jamming because they are dry or have not been used for a long time. Not a few people are confused about how to fix it, so they choose to take it to a tailor or a place that specializes in zipper repairs.

Actually, there are a number of tricks for dealing with stuck trouser zippers that you can do yourself at home, you know. For example, you can rub wax on the teeth of a stuck zipper. This wax will function as a lubricant, so that the zipper can run smoothly again.

Apart from that, there is still one more trick that is no less simple from netizens on the SuksesBerkreasi YouTube account. After investigating, this man only needs one kitchen ingredient to practice this trick to solve a stuck trouser zipper.

"This trouser pocket zipper is broken and can't be closed, but it can be repaired just using this," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from YouTube SuksesBerkreasi on Thursday (16/5).

The ingredients that must be prepared are cooking oil . Yup, cooking oil is the main kitchen ingredient for practicing tricks to overcome stuck trouser zippers. So, to apply it, use a small brush to smear the zipper with oil.

Tricks to overcome jammed trouser zippers  YouTube

photo: YouTube/SuccessCreative

You also only need to smear the zipper with a little oil, the important thing is that it is even, so it doesn't dirty the fabric of the trousers. Next, try closing and opening the zipper, if it goes smoothly, it means you have successfully practiced this trick.

Tricks to overcome jammed trouser zippers  YouTube

photo: YouTube/SuccessCreative

So, isn't this really practical trick for dealing with jammed trouser zippers? Taking a peek at SuccessBerkreasi's YouTube upload, even though there are no comments from other netizens, this video has already received the enthusiasm of more than 2,000 viewers, you know.

How to store cooking oil so it doesn't freeze.

To store cooking oil so it doesn't freeze, there are several ways you can do it.

1. Store in a warm place.

Place the cooking oil in a warm place or at a stable room temperature, around 20-25 degrees Celsius. Don't store it in a cold place such as a refrigerator or near a window that is often open, because cold temperatures can cause the oil to freeze.

2. Use a container that is tightly closed.

Make sure the oil is stored in a tightly closed container to prevent air from entering which can speed up the freezing process. Airtight containers also help maintain the quality of the oil for longer.

3. Do not mix used oil with new oil.

Oil that has been used contains water and food waste particles which can speed up freezing. Store new oil separately from used oil.

4. Shake or shake the oil periodically.

If oil is stored in conditions that might cause freezing, periodically shaking or shaking the oil container can help prevent the formation of solid crystals.

By paying attention to the things above, you can store cooking oil so that it remains in liquid condition and is ready to be used at any time.
