
This method is considered to reduce lizards drastically.

  3 Mei 2024 17:00 - Lizards often appear suddenly. This animal usually enters the house to look for shelter and food. One of the main problems caused by lizards in the house is the feces they leave behind. Lizard droppings can contaminate walls, ceilings and other household furniture. Apart from that, the sound made by lizards, especially at night, can disturb the sleep of residents of the house.

To overcome the problem of lizards at home, a number of people usually make traps. This method is considered to reduce lizards drastically. However, the downside is that lizards often die immediately after being hit by traps, so you have to dispose of the carcasses manually

Instead, there are other methods that are more effective in getting rid of lizards at home. This method was used by the owner of the Instagram account @rumah_qinaz through one of the uploaded videos. He admitted that he used a special liquid to get rid of lizards effectively and quickly.

Well, this lizard repellent liquid is made with simple ingredients from the kitchen. Reported by BrilioFood from the Instagram account @rumah_qinaz on Friday (3/5), the kitchen ingredients in question are table vinegar and dish washing soap. So these two ingredients have an unpleasant aroma that will make the lizard go away by itself.

This trick to get rid of lizards is effective and fast without making traps.

How to mix it is quite easy. In a spray bottle, add 3 tablespoons of dish soap and 3 tablespoons of table vinegar. Then pour 250 ml of water into it. After that, close the bottle and shake until evenly mixed.

Effective tricks for getting rid of lizards without making traps  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@rumah_qinaz

Well, this liquid is ready to use. You can spray this liquid directly onto the lizards that are stuck to the walls and cupboards. Or you can also spray it on areas of the house that are often visited by lizards, such as the kitchen, dining table or top of cupboards.

"For my own use, I spray it regularly 2-3 times a week, and keep repeating it. The lizards are too lazy to stop by our house for a long time," said Instagram @rumah_qinaz.

Effective tricks for getting rid of lizards without making traps  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@rumah_qinaz

This video about tricks for getting rid of lizards has been watched more than 1 million times on Instagram. It's not surprising that many other Instagram users also responded directly in the comments column.

"Sis, thank you very much. I'm really amused by lizards. I rarely open the window so the lizards don't come in," said Instagram @usyizzani.

"You can also use Wipol and add water to it, so the spray is really effective, so the lizard will die and won't come back," explained Instagram @datin2995.

"Seeing the lizard is so adorable, I want to throw it away," said Instagram @nurrin_nurrinawati.

"The lizards are really disturbing. The walls and floors are dirty, thank you for the tips, sis," replied Instagram @redity.

"Wow, I'm not looking for genuine excitement about lizards," said Instagram @griyarjuna.

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A post shared by Call me Bunda Qia (@rumah_qinaz)

Tips to prevent lizards from coming into the house.

Lizards are creatures that are commonly found in homes, especially in tropical areas. Although not dangerous, its presence can be uncomfortable. Here are some tips to prevent lizards from coming into your house.

1. Seal gaps and cracks in the wall.

Lizards often enter through small cracks in the walls. Be sure to seal or fill any gaps with appropriate materials.

2. Improve the mosquito network.

Make sure the mosquito nets on windows and doors are not damaged or torn, so that lizards cannot enter the house.

3. Use lights that do not attract insects.

Lights that are too bright or yellow can attract insects, including lizards. Use dimmer or white lights.

4. Keep the house clean.

Clean up leftover food or drink spills immediately, because lizards are attracted to readily available food sources.

5. Use air freshener.

Several types of air fresheners can help repel lizards, such as mint leaves, lavender flowers, or eucalyptus oil.

6. Plant insect repellent plants.

Some plants such as lavender, mint, or basil can repel insects, including lizards, with the scent they produce.

7. Clean the yard.

Make sure to clean leaves or wild plants around the house, because lizards often hide in dark and damp places.

8. Use safe lizard release.

If you find a lizard inside your house, use a cloth or gloves to release it outside the house carefully, without endangering yourself or the animal.

9. Repair water pipes and ventilation.

Make sure the water pipes and ventilation in the house are functioning properly, because lizards often enter through poorly maintained channels.

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