from what is only a matter of minutes, if this could be hours.

  13 Juli 2024 13:29 - One of the pleasures of eating ice cream is its soft texture and it immediately melts in your mouth. Both parents and young people cannot resist the deliciousness of ice cream. Therefore, ice cream is still a food that is popular and sought after by various groups.

Unfortunately, there is one biggest challenge when eating ice cream, namely that it has to be fast. Because ice cream melts easily at room temperature, it must be consumed immediately after serving. Especially if you eat ice cream cones, which when they melt, will immediately dirty your hands.

But did you know, this challenge can actually be overcome by a group of scientists from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, United States. Reported by BrilioFood from on Saturday (13/7), a number of scientists released a new innovation that can prevent ice cream from melting or changing shape even if it is placed at room temperature for hours.

This research was led by Cameron Wicks, a doctoral student (PhD) in food science. In a university press release, Wicks explained that he utilized plant-based compounds called polyphenols to prevent the ice cream from melting at room temperature. That way, frozen foods like ice cream will not change shape.

"Adding polyphenols to ice cream can produce a product that can maintain its shape for more than 4 hours at room temperature. That is quite close to the concept of ice cream that does not melt," said Wicks, quoted from

This scientist discovered ice cream that doesn't melt for hours  2024


Furthermore, Wicks explained that these polyphenols will function effectively when combined with other substances, namely fat and protein. That way, the texture or shape of the ice cream mixed with polyphenols remains thick and easy to shape.

Well, basically these polyphenols can be found from natural ingredients, such as tea and berries. According to Wicks, using natural ingredients can provide its own benefits in terms of health. One of them is to improve heart health.

This scientist discovered ice cream that doesn't melt for hours  2024


Unfortunately, Wicks admits that artificial polyphenols are more effective at making ice cream not melt easily. Therefore, he and his team are still looking for other alternatives from natural ingredients whose properties are similar to artificial polyphenols. Of course, with the hope that the ice cream can be suitable for public consumption.

This scientist discovered ice cream that doesn't melt for hours  2024


So, at this time, Cameron Wicks' research results are still not permitted to be circulated and implemented in order to prevent side effects or other failures. According to Wicks, a lot of research is still needed to find the right amount of polyphenols to keep the texture of ice cream stable, without affecting the taste. That way, the ice cream can be enjoyed casually without worrying about it melting or changing its taste.

"Ice cream is a very complex system. By understanding all the science behind it, you can make food that is healthier, more sustainable, and can create a better system for serving food to people all over the world," said Wicks in a press release reported from
