Unsplash/Mufid Majnun

There was an unknown boy who entered the garden.

  23 Juli 2024 17:00

Brilio.net - Recently in China, a crime involving durian theft has gone viral. This incident occurred in a durian plantation located in an area called Raub Turai on Wednesday morning (17/7). The garden is known to be managed by a man named Cai Weiwen.

This boy was arrested by the police after stealing 3 durians  Various sources

photo: Unsplash/Mufid Majnun

Cai Weiwen admitted that he managed to catch the perpetrator of the theft because a worker in the garden saw an unknown boy enter. When he was arrested, it turned out that the boy was the perpetrator of the theft and had brought three durians from the garden.

This boy was arrested by the police after stealing 3 durians  Various sources

photo: worldofbuzz.com

The thief is apparently 25 years old and comes from another city, namely Benta. Cai Weiwen then hung the durian around the thief's neck and recorded it on video as proof that he had caught the thief.

Cai Weiwen also admitted that he had long been suspicious because he often found his durian fruit disappearing for no reason. However, so far he still doesn't have strong evidence, so he can't just report it to the police.

"I live in Baru Sungai Keteng Village and rent this durian garden for business. Previously I suspected that someone was stealing durian, but there was no evidence," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from eastcoast.sinchew.com on Tuesday (23/7).

Cai Weiwen and workers in her garden immediately tied the boy's hands to take him to the police station. Not only the perpetrator, the father of the durian thief was also summoned, so that he could be questioned and responsible for the incident caused by the child.

Instead of detaining the child, the police suggested a peaceful resolution between the two parties. Even so, the perpetrator still has to pay compensation to Cai Weiwen as the plantation manager. The perpetrator's father ultimately had to pay RM10,000 or the equivalent of Rp. 34 million.
