
When the stain is completely gone, just wipe it with a cloth until it is clean.

  6 Februari 2024 10:00 - Rice cookers have various components with their respective functions. One of them is the heating element located at the bottom of the rice cooker. This part is round, so it can conduct high temperatures to cook the rice effectively.

However, after a rice cooker has been used for years, usually the heating element at the base of this tool can turn black or burnt. These burnt crust spots will not interfere with the cooking process, but the appearance will be less pleasing to look at. So, for some people, the burnt stains on the bottom of the rice cooker must be eradicated .

However, burnt stains on the bottom of the rice cooker cannot be removed if you just clean them with a damp cloth or dish soap. So, for those of you who are still confused about how to clean it, you can copy the tricks from netizens on the me_FSmom YouTube account.

After investigating, instead of using dish soap, the owner of the YouTube account me_FSmom said that he only relies on two kitchen ingredients that are usually used for cooking. With this trick, burnt stains that were originally thick and stubborn can disappear, and the appearance of the rice cooker will look like new, you know.

First, prepare a container to mix the cleaning agent. Then, add vinegar and baking soda. Yup, vinegar and baking soda are the main ingredients for practicing this trick. When these two ingredients are combined, a chemical reaction will appear, namely foam, which indicates that the two ingredients are active and ready to be used to clean stains.

"Try not to use too much vinegar, because then the water will fall into the middle. This is a heating element, so try to be more careful, don't let the water drip onto the electrical area," added the owner of the YouTube account me_FSmom, quoted by BrilioFood on Tuesday (6 /2).

After mixing it, immediately apply the mixture of vinegar and baking soda to the bottom of the rice cooker with the help of a cloth or sponge until evenly distributed.

No need for dish soap, here's a trick for cleaning burnt crust  YouTube

photo: YouTube/me_FSmom

Next, scrub the base of the rice cooker with a rough dishwashing sponge or old toothbrush until the stains are gone. The owner of the YouTube account me_FSmom explained that you can add more baking soda if the stain is still very stubborn. Finally, when the stain is completely gone, just wipe the remaining vinegar and baking soda with a cloth until it is clean.

No need for dish soap, here's a trick for cleaning burnt crust  YouTube

photo: YouTube/me_FSmom

How about it, it's a really simple trick to get rid of burnt crust stains on the bottom of this rice cooker, right? Taking a peek at me_FSmom's YouTube upload, there are no comments from netizens yet, but this video has received a lot of enthusiasm, up to 6,000 viewers, you know.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.