foto: Instagram/@filipusadc ; Pexels/Shameel mukkath

Don't get confused again~

  13 Agustus 2024 01:00 - Yogurt is often a healthy food choice for daily consumption. There are many benefits of this fermented milk product, ranging from smooth digestion , losing weight, increasing immunity, and many more.

There are many fermented milk products from yogurt sold on the market, for example yogurt, Greek yogurt, and Greek yogurt style. The three types of yogurt do look the same, but they are actually different. This was also explained by the Instagram account user @filipusadc.

Differences between yogurt, Greek yogurt, and Greek yogurt style  Various sources

photo: Instagram/@filipusadc

The man familiarly called Filip is a content creator who studied Chemistry. Filip admitted that he is currently implementing a healthy lifestyle, so he also wants to share a video about the science of distinguishing between types of yogurt.

"If you think all yogurt products are the same, you need to watch this video until the end," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from Instagram @filipusadc on Monday (12/8).

So, are you curious about the difference between yogurt, Greek yogurt, and Greek yogurt style?

Differences between yogurt, Greek yogurt, and Greek yogurt style  Various sources

photo: Instagram/@filipusadc

Yogurt is known to have higher levels of probiotics and lower fat than other varieties. Reported from an article published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, yogurt can be consumed to overcome constipation, because its probiotics can help increase bowel movements.

Not only that, the high probiotic content and low fat in yogurt are also suitable for consumption by people with high cholesterol levels. Yogurt is believed to be able to lower cholesterol levels in the body.

However, yogurt usually contains quite high sugar, even the sugar content can reach 14 grams per serving. So, people with certain health conditions, such as obesity, diabetes, and others are better off not consuming yogurt excessively.

Differences between yogurt, Greek yogurt, and Greek yogurt style  Various sources

photo: Instagram/@filipusadc

Next, there is Greek yogurt which usually has a higher protein content and lower sugar than other types of yogurt. The owner of the Instagram account @filipusadc explained that Greek yogurt has a thicker texture than yogurt, but has a higher fat content.

Reported from, if you are trying to increase your protein intake to support your exercise program such as weight lifting and so on, this Greek yogurt is suitable for you. On the other hand, children who are in their growth period are also advised to consume this yogurt.

Differences between yogurt, Greek yogurt, and Greek yogurt style  Various sources

photo: Instagram/@filipusadc

Well, besides Greek yogurt, you need to know that there is also a type of Greek yogurt style. Yup, the 'style' information on the packaging of this yogurt product is sometimes written in small sizes, so you have to be more careful when buying it on the market.

Greek yogurt and Greek yogurt style are different. Instagram account owner @filipusadc explained that Greek yogurt style is almost the same as traditional yogurt, but the manufacturing process is added with food additives such as thickeners so that the texture is similar to Greek yogurt.

The thickening agents come from cream, gelatin, a mixture of gum ingredients, stabilizers, preservatives, and milk solids. Reported from, this Greek yogurt style is sometimes less suitable for people who have lactose intolerance.

Well, from now on, you are no longer confused about distinguishing yogurt, Greek yogurt, and Greek yogurt style, right? Peeking at the comment column of the video belonging to Instagram @filipusadc, quite a few netizens left various interesting responses about yogurt, you know.

"Which one is better for a diet?" asked Instagram @gaslasyne and got an answer from Filip, "they all have their own advantages and disadvantages! If you need high protein and low sugar, choose Greek yogurt! If low fat, choose traditional yogurt."

"My favorite original Greek yogurt... I usually add fresh fruit to it," said Instagram user @k_risti_ehobby.

"It's good if it's style or Greek for children," added Instagram @venytia_vey, then replied, "Just prefer Greek! High protein, low sugar :)."
