
These 2 kitchen ingredients have an aroma that frogs don't like.

  28 Agustus 2024 11:00 - Pests in the house are often a problem that disrupts the comfort and cleanliness of the living environment. Various types of pests, such as insects, mice, and even amphibians such as frogs, can make the house uncomfortable. Frogs, which usually live in watery environments, often enter the yard, especially during the rainy season or when there is standing water.

Although not dangerous, the presence of frogs in the yard can be a nuisance, especially because of their loud noises and potential to enter the house. The entry of frogs into the yard can be caused by several factors, such as humid environmental conditions or the presence of ponds and puddles that are attractive to this species.

In addition, frogs are also attracted to insects that are often found around lights or plants in the yard. These locations are easy targets because there are many food sources for frogs. To overcome the problem of frogs that often enter the yard, several preventive measures need to be taken.

Keeping the yard clean, reducing standing water, and minimizing food sources for toads are some effective ways to reduce their presence. In addition, you can also prevent and repel toads using kitchen ingredients . As shown by Instagram user @indah3yani.

tricks to banish frogs from the yard  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@indah3yani

Through one of his uploads, he shared a trick to repel frogs in the yard using simple ingredients, namely salt and ginger. These two ingredients are special substances that can repel and prevent frogs from entering the yard.

As reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @indah3yani on Wednesday (28/8), just prepare a piece of ginger and wash it thoroughly. Without peeling the skin, just slice the ginger thinly. After that, transfer it to a container.

tricks to banish frogs from the yard  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@indah3yani

Next, add a fair amount of salt to the container. After that, stir until both ingredients are well mixed. That way, this ingredient is ready to be used to repel frogs. How to use it, immediately sprinkle ginger and salt all over the yard that frogs often visit, such as the garden and the walls of the house.

tricks to banish frogs from the yard  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@indah3yani

Basically, salt and ginger can repel frogs from the yard because the nature of both ingredients is disliked by frogs. Salt, when sprinkled in areas frequented by frogs, can irritate their skin. Frogs have moist skin that is sensitive to salt, so contact with salt causes discomfort that encourages them to stay away.

Meanwhile, ginger has a strong and spicy aroma that is also disliked by frogs. This aroma interferes with the frog's sense of smell, making them feel uncomfortable and reluctant to approach areas that have been given ginger. Therefore, using salt and ginger in certain areas of the yard can be an effective way to prevent frogs from entering and repel them from the environment around the house.
