Brilio.net - Cooking rice can be said to be a mandatory skill that a person must have. Especially in Indonesia, where rice is a daily staple food. Rice is usually eaten with various side dishes and vegetables, so that the body's nutrition is more varied and the stomach is full for longer.
Many people have been experts at cooking rice since they were young. The reason is, rice can be cooked automatically using a rice cooker or magic com . So, you just need to know the right amount of rice and water before turning on the device.
Well, TikTok account user @ihsannazhar had an interesting experience regarding cooking rice for the first time. He admitted that while living at home with his family, he had never tried cooking rice at all.
The moment a boarding house child cooks rice for the first time
When the time came to go abroad, he had to board a house, aka live alone. Conditions like this make him inevitably have to be ready to take care of himself, including preparing daily food.
Because I don't have any experience cooking or cooking rice before, of course this becomes a little confusing. As a result, his first experience of cooking rice ended in failure.
"At home I never cook rice, once I cook rice in my boarding house there's a buzz, God," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from TikTok @ihsannazhar on Tuesday (6/8).
The moment a boarding house child cooks rice for the first time
Instead of being fluffy grains of rice, the cooking of the woman who is familiarly called Ihsan is actually too fluffy, even resembling porridge. After investigating, he didn't know the right amount of water for cooking rice, so he added too much water before cooking.
The moment a boarding house child cooks rice for the first time
It doesn't stop there, giving too much water when cooking rice also causes the rice to smell. As a result, rice that is already in the form of rice becomes less delicious when eaten.
"The rice smells haha, it's already watering, sis, so I can feel the smell," said Ihsan.
Taking a peek at the comments column of @ihsannazhar's TikTok video, which has been watched 5 million times, quite a few netizens have left hilarious comments about this moment of cooking failure, you know.
"The water is as big as your thumb, not the capital," said TikTok @Ewa.
"Sis? MPASI?" wrote TikTok @yyyaprliani.
"Sis, the water is SE of the hand line, not the line of the Calutist," said TikTok @Ranii.
"No surprise, it turns out it's a guy who cooks," said TikTok @.
On the other hand, there are also other netizens who explain the proper technique for cooking rice so that the result is not soft like porridge.
"Sis, that's the way to do it, 1:1 knuckles. You wash the rice first, after that you measure using the knuckles of your finger from the bottom/bottom of the container to the top of the surface of the rice. After that, for the water the height is the same as the knuckles of your finger, but the difference is the measurement "from the top of the rice surface to the limit, measure the knuckles of your finger first," explained TikTok @chillaxvibes.