
Getting rid of the unpleasant odor in a hot water flask is also fairly easy.

  7 Juni 2024 18:00 - Have you ever noticed that your hot water flask smells musty? After investigating, this problem could be caused by damp conditions in the thermos. As a result, all kinds of bacteria and fungi in it develop and produce an unpleasant aroma .

Getting rid of the unpleasant odor in a hot water flask is also quite easy. Even though it has been washed using dish soap, the thermos usually still smells musty. The musty smell makes the thermos uncomfortable to use to store drinking water, right?

As a solution, you can imitate what Instagram user @siti_setyowati_ did. In his video upload, this netizen has his own way to get rid of the musty smell in his hot water flask.

Curious about how?

How to quickly get rid of the musty smell in a hot water flask.

Reported by BrilioFood from Instagram @siti_setyowati_ on Friday (7/6), pour ordinary water until it fills 3/4 of the thermos. If so, add enough vinegar to the thermos. Close then shake the thermos to mix the two ingredients.

remove the musty smell of a hot water flask  2024

photo: Instagram/@siti_setyowati_

So that the vinegar solution works optimally, leave the thermos for a few minutes. Then just throw a little water out of the thermos. Next, add 2 tablespoons of baking soda to it. Close the thermos then shake again.

"Leave it for 5 minutes," said the video owner.

remove the musty smell of a hot water flask  2024

photo: Instagram/@siti_setyowati_

A mixture of vinegar and baking soda is considered effective for cleaning hot water flasks. Reporting from, Co2 gas formed from a mixture of these two ingredients can neutralize the acid that causes unpleasant odors.

Without having to wait long, immediately empty the water in the thermos when it has been left for 5 minutes. Then wash the thermos with hot water using dish soap as usual. Don't forget to rinse the hot water flask using running water.

For maximum cleanliness, you can also rub the inside of the hot water thermos with your fingers. Make sure the inside is as clean as possible, free from dirt and remaining cleaning solution.

remove the musty smell of a hot water flask  2024

photo: Instagram/@siti_setyowati_

Because it has been washed thoroughly, the inside of the hot water thermos is free of musty odors. If this is the case, the thermos can be used straight away as usual.
