foto: YouTube/Marianti Sukses

This method makes cleaning the toilet easier at home, which usually takes a lot of energy.

  15 Maret 2024 08:00 - A toilet that hasn't been brushed for a long time will definitely be successful in accumulating stubborn limescale stains. In fact, the crust stains will not just disappear even if you brush them with a special floor cleaning fluid. It's not surprising that there are lots of tricks about cleaning toilets floating around on social media.

One trick you can use is brushing the toilet with sandpaper. This tool is known to have a rough texture that can help remove stubborn stains on the toilet. However, if you don't have sandpaper at home, don't worry because there are other tricks.

The trick for cleaning limescale in the toilet without sandpaper was shared by netizens known as Marianti through uploads on the Marianti Sukses YouTube account. After investigating, he only needed 2 additional kitchen ingredients to restore his toilet to shine again.

How to descale the toilet.

First, prepare a bucket or small basin to mix the cleaning agent. Then, put citrus (citric acid) and toothpaste into it. After that, add enough vinegar and baking soda. Yup, those are the two kitchen ingredients that must be added to practice this trick for cleaning limescale in the toilet.

This is a trick for cleaning limescale in the toilet  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Marianti Success

Stir until all the cleaning ingredients are mixed evenly. If so, immediately apply the cleaning agent to the dirty toilet area. After that, rub the toilet so that the stains come off easily.

"I brushed this with wire," explained YouTube account owner Marianti Sukses, quoted by BrilioFood on Thursday (14/3).

The owner of the YouTube account, Marianti Sukses, explained that sometimes she also uses a knife if there is thick crust that needs to be pried off so that the toilet can be really clean.

This is a trick for cleaning limescale in the toilet  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Marianti Success

Finally, Marianti brushes the toilet again using additional floor cleaning fluid or liquid detergent to make it cleaner and smells better. After that, rinse the toilet with running water until it is shiny and rough.

How about it, this trick for cleaning limescale in the toilet is really simple, isn't it? Looking at the comments column on Marianti Sukses's YouTube upload, which has been watched 15 thousand times, there are a number of netizens providing enthusiastic comments about this trick, you know.

"Sis, after cleaning, will the dry bathroom have white spots on the ceramic?" asked YouTube @miminnurmillah2803 and the video owner replied, "When I'm in the bathroom, I don't get white, sis, so far that's never happened."

How to make your bathroom smell good with kitchen ingredients.

On the market, there are many types of camphor or special bathroom deodorizers that you can buy. However, you can also use ingredients from the kitchen to make your bathroom smell good, you know.

1. Orange or lemon.

Squeeze fresh orange or lemon juice into a bowl and leave it in the bathroom. The fresh scent of orange or lemon will help freshen the air.

2. Coffee.

Sprinkle some coarsely ground coffee beans on a small plate. The distinctive aroma of coffee can help eliminate unpleasant odors.

3. Cloves.

Put some clove flowers in a small bowl and place it in the bathroom. Cloves have a strong aroma and can help eliminate odors.

4. Cinnamon.

Place a few cinnamon sticks in hot water and let them release their aroma. The aroma of cinnamon will give a warm and pleasant impression.

5. Baking soda.

Sprinkle a little baking soda at the bottom of the sink or around areas that need freshening. Baking soda can absorb unpleasant odors.

6. Mint leaves.

Place some fresh mint leaves in a vase or bowl and let their fresh aroma fill the room.

7. Ginger.

Cut fresh ginger into small pieces and place in hot water in a small bowl. Ginger has a refreshing and healthy aroma.

8. Vanilla.

Chop some vanilla stems and place them in a bowl. The sweet and warm aroma of vanilla will help freshen the air.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.