
Just rely on simple ingredients in the kitchen.

  23 Juni 2024 11:30 - White socks are one of the mandatory accessories for school uniforms. Usually white socks are used every day, so they get dirty easily. The white color will make the stain more visible and make the socks look dirty or dull .

Unfortunately, washing dirty and dull socks is often a chore for many people. Not without reason, dirty and dull stains will stick, so they have to be brushed or scrubbed vigorously. However, brushing your socks too hard has the potential to stretch the fabric.

To overcome this problem, some people usually soak their socks to remove the stains. Bleach can also make socks bright again. But did you know, repeated use of bleach can also damage fabric fibers, you know.

So to be safer, you can apply the trick for washing dirty T-shirts like Instagram user @rumah.kamali does. Through one of the uploaded videos, he admitted that he only relied on simple ingredients in the kitchen. With these kitchen ingredients, dirty and dull socks can be bright again even without a strong brush, you know.

As reported by BrilioFood from the Instagram account @rumah.kamali on Friday (21/6), the kitchen ingredients needed are baking soda, kitchen vinegar and salt. Apart from that, he also uses dish soap to remove stubborn stains on socks. With a mixture of these ingredients, socks will become shiny again.

how to wash dirty and dull socks so they are bright again  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@rumah.kamali

How to use it is quite easy. Prepare a small basin or bucket to soak the socks. After that, pour in the water and add 1 teaspoon of baking soda, 2 teaspoons of kitchen vinegar, 1 teaspoon of dishwashing soap, and 1 teaspoon of table salt. Stir all the ingredients until evenly mixed.

how to wash dirty and dull socks so they are bright again  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@rumah.kamali

Next, put in the dirty and dull socks that you want to wash. After that, soak for approximately 2 hours. No need to worry about damage because the materials used tend to be natural and safe for fabrics.

When it has been soaked, lift it and gently brush the parts that are still dirty. Usually the stain will come off immediately because the socks have been soaked beforehand. That way, you don't need to brush it too hard. After that, rinse until the soap is gone and hang in the sun to dry. These socks will be bright and white again, right?

how to wash dirty and dull socks so they are bright again  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@rumah.kamali

Since it was uploaded on June 12, this video about how to wash dirty socks has been watched more than 25 thousand times. Who would have thought, many other Instagram users were interested and also provided direct responses in the comments column. Most of these netizens admitted that they were really helped by this trick.

"Wow, I've been waiting for this drama to open... thanks a lot for the tips," replied Instagram @indrasarimokoginta27.

"I want to try these leaky socks too, thanks for sharing," explained Instagram @ichypricilyani.

"Oh, yes, this is really true, thanks for sharing, bro," wrote the Instagram account @rumapintubiru.

"Very helpful, I like the dirty socks drama, thanks for the tips," commented the Instagram account @rumahminiaila.

"Most people are lazy with white socks but now there is a solution," said Instagram @veganugrohouse.
