
Oil stains that stick to this rag tend to be difficult to remove.

  13 Februari 2024 13:00 - Rags can be used to clean various stains, one of which is in the kitchen area, such as oil marks. Oil stains on the stove, kitchen floor and cooking utensils are sometimes cleaned with this rag. Even though it can absorb oil stains optimally, in the end the stains actually stick to the rag.

Oil stains that stick to this rag tend to be difficult to remove . Therefore, some people usually wash it with special tricks. One way is to soak a rag in hot water. After all, hot water can dissolve oil stains more effectively, making the rag easier to wash.

But usually, even if you use hot water, there is still oil residue left behind. As a result, the rag becomes slippery or even emits an unpleasant musty odor. Well, the condition of a rag like this makes it less comfortable to use because it no longer absorbs stains optimally.

So, to overcome this, you don't need to worry, there are other tricks you can do when washing oily rags. This trick for removing oil stains on a rag was once shared by an Instagram user @rumah.kamali. Through one of the uploaded videos, he admitted that he only used kitchen ingredients.

The trick for cleaning dirty, oily rags is just using kitchen ingredients.

Reported by BrilioFood from the Instagram account @rumah.kamali on Tuesday (13/2), the kitchen ingredients used were baking soda, vinegar and dishwashing soap. Well, a number of these ingredients will help clean oil stains without leaving residue. Because of this, the rag becomes rough again.

To use it, simply sprinkle baking soda on the area of the cloth that has a lot of oil on it. Then spread it evenly and press so that the baking soda sticks to the cloth. So, at this stage, the baking soda will function as a compress that absorbs the oil stains on the rag. For maximum results, let it sit for 1 hour first.

Tricks to remove oil stains from rags using 3 ingredients  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@rumah.kamali

After letting it sit, immediately pour the vinegar onto the part of the cloth that was treated with baking soda. Spread the vinegar evenly with a brush. Then pour in enough dishwashing soap. Only then rub the rag using a brush until the rag is clean again.

Tricks to remove oil stains from rags using 3 ingredients  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@rumah.kamali

If you have brushed it, rinse it immediately with clean water. Finally, dry this rag until dry. Well, this cloth that has been washed becomes shinier and cleaner, you know. This indicates that baking soda, vinegar and dish soap can be effective in removing oil stains on rags.

How? Easy enough, right? You can practice this trick for removing oil stains on rags at home. With simple ingredients, rags can be shiny and shiny again even if they are stained with oil.

Tricks to remove oil stains from rags using 3 ingredients  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@rumah.kamali

This post about tricks for removing oil stains has been viewed more than 29 thousand times. It's not surprising that many people are interested and want to try this trick. This was expressed directly through the comments column.

"I have to stock up on baking soda, thank you, no info," said Instagram @rumahbajasatsha.

"Just now I called a masseuse at home, forgot to not pad the sheets first, so the sheets got all massage oil on them. Luckily I found these tips, thanks, bro," said Instagram @roomnlatte.

"It's really the same as Bukam, I'm annoyed when I wash the oily cloth. Auto save tips from Bukam," replied Instagram

"Thank you for the tips, Bukam. But I'm still curious, even though the rag that was stained with oil, even though it was washed clean, it still smells like musty oil. Does Bukam have any tips?" asked the Instagram account @fhitrikhair.

"Maybe you could try adding essential oil when washing," replied Instagram user @rumah.kamali.

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