
This liquid can also help remove limescale from toilets and bathtubs.

  20 Juni 2024 17:00 - Stubborn crust on the bathroom floor is often a big challenge in keeping the house clean. Formed from mineral deposits, soap and dirt, this crust can cause stains and become a place for bacteria to grow. Cleaning the limescale on the bathroom floor could be the most appropriate way to overcome this problem.

Unfortunately, in some cases, the crust on the bathroom floor tends to be stubborn and difficult to remove. This usually happens when the bathroom is not cleaned regularly. Therefore, the crust thickens and is difficult to clean.

So, to deal with stubborn crust on the bathroom floor, some people usually use a special chemical liquid. There are also those who choose to use simple ingredients, such as Instagram user @devvyherawati. Through one of the uploaded videos, he admitted that he only relied on kitchen ingredients to clean the crust on the bathroom floor.

Reported by BrilioFood from the Instagram account @devvyherawati on Thursday (20/6), the kitchen ingredients used were dish soap, salt and baking soda. Well, a number of these ingredients simply need to be mixed together in a container. For the measurements, he uses 2 tablespoons of salt, 1 tablespoon of baking soda, and 5 tablespoons of dish soap.

tricks for cleaning stubborn crust on the floor  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@devvyherawati

After all the ingredients were mixed together, he added another ingredient, namely 1 packet of citrus. If so, stir all the ingredients until evenly mixed. Then dissolve it with hot water. Usually there will be a foam reaction that occurs. Therefore, it is best to pour the hot water slowly and gradually while stirring.

tricks for cleaning stubborn crust on the floor  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@devvyherawati

The application is quite easy. Dip a brush into the liquid, then apply it to the crusty bathroom floor. For maximum results, let it sit for a few minutes. Only then rub it using a brush.

tricks for cleaning stubborn crust on the floor  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@devvyherawati

After brushing, rinse using running water. If you feel there is still stubborn crust, apply the liquid again. Then scrub again using a brush. Do this process repeatedly until the crust on the bathroom floor is completely gone.

How about it, it's quite easy, right? You can try this trick at home when the bathroom floor is crusty. Apart from floors, this liquid can also help remove limescale from toilets and bathtubs, you know. Guaranteed to be effective and fast.

tricks for cleaning stubborn crust on the floor  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@devvyherawati

This post about tricks for cleaning stubborn limescale on the bathroom floor immediately attracted the attention of netizens. Not a few then gave direct responses in the comments column. Most other Instagram users expressed their gratitude for gaining useful new knowledge.

"I usually just use citrus or detergent, wow, I have to try this," said Instagram @onikhati.

"Thanks for the tips sis," said Instagram @casaagastya.

"Nice info beb," wrote the Instagram account @rumamusyen.
