
Shape by hand according to taste~

  20 Juli 2024 01:30 - Potatoes are one of the ingredients for cake dough mixtures. The soft texture of potatoes can make the cake taste even better. When the dough is ready, shape it with your hands according to your taste. Don't forget to fill the middle with pieces of mozzarella cheese, okay? That way, the inside of the potato cake will melt in your mouth when you bite into it. The following is a recipe for potato cake filled with mozzarella, BrilioFood reported from the Instagram account @regunancha.

How to make potato cakes filled with mozzarella cheese  2024

photo: Instagram/@regunancha

- 500 gr peeled potatoes, cut into pieces
- 2 tablespoons granulated sugar
- 1 pinch of salt
- 5 tablespoons sticky rice flour
- 100 gr grated mozzarella cheese
- Enough oil

How to make:
1. Steam the potatoes until cooked and tender. Puree then mix with sugar, salt and sticky rice flour.
2. Divide into 10 round shapes, then flatten and fill with mozzarella cheese inside. The shape is round again and slightly flat.
3. Grease a non-stick frying pan with oil then bake the potato cakes until both sides are cooked. Remove and serve immediately while still hot.
