foto: Instagram/@buchaskitchen

It tastes like adding rice~

  11 Juli 2024 02:29 - Apart from coto, konro soup is one of the typical Makassar dishes that you must try. This soupy dish with a savory taste and rich spices is made from pieces of beef ribs and tetel. The thick sauce and tender meat make this dish immediately add rice when eaten. The following is a typical Makassar konro recipe that BrilioFood has reported on Instagram @buchaskitchen.

How to make typical Makassar konro soup  2024

photo: Instagram/@buchaskitchen

- 500 gr spare ribs
- 200 gr swallow
- 1/2 grated coconut, roasted until dry
- 1500 ml of water
- 1/2 nutmeg
- 2 bay leaves
- 2 lime leaves
- 2 cm cinnamon
- 1/2 tbsp beef stock
- Salt and sugar to taste

Ground spices:
- 6 red onions
- 3 garlic
- 4 candlenuts
- 1/2 tbsp coriander
- 1/2 tsp cumin
- 2 kluwak fruit

How to make:
1. Boil the ribs and cook. You can use pressure cooker to make it soft quickly.
2. Saute the ground spices, add to the rib stew broth.
3. Add roasted coconut and other spices.
4. Add beef stock, salt and sugar according to taste. Cook until the spices are absorbed.
5. Serve warm with spring onions, lime and chili sauce.
