foto ilustrasi: YouTube/Resep Masakan Dan Tanaman Herbal

This slime often makes the fish taste less delicious and a little bitter. It requires the right way to clean it.

  3 Februari 2025 17:00 - Catfish is indeed famous for its soft meat texture and savory taste. However, one of the problems often faced when cooking catfish is the mucus that sticks to the fish's body. This mucus often makes the fish taste less delicious and a little bitter.

For some people, cleaning catfish slime can be a challenge. Although there are many ways to remove catfish slime, one method that is quite easy and effective is to use tapioca flour. The following is a way that can help remove catfish slime with tapioca flour so that the catfish is ready to be processed without a bitter taste and a crispier texture, quoted by BrilioFood from various sources, Monday (3/2).

Why does catfish slime need to be removed?

remove catfish slime using one type of flour YouTube/Cooking Recipes and Herbal Plants

How to remove catfish slime using one type of flour
illustration photo: YouTube/Cooking Recipes and Herbal Plants

Before discussing how to remove catfish slime, it is important to understand why the slime needs to be cleaned. The slime on catfish has a bitter taste that can affect the taste of the dish. In addition, the slime that sticks to the fish's body can cause the texture of the catfish meat to become slippery and less crispy after being fried. If this slime is not cleaned properly, the taste of the catfish can also be unpleasant and not optimal.

The slime on catfish can also contain germs or bacteria, so it is important to clean it properly so that the catfish is safer to consume. Thus, removing the slime in the right way will not only improve the taste, but also the quality of the catfish served.

Why tapioca flour?

Tapioca flour is one of the kitchen ingredients that is often used for various culinary purposes, including to remove mucus from catfish. This flour has properties that can absorb water and bind certain particles, including mucus. By using tapioca flour, mucus from catfish can be easily removed without the need for chemicals or complicated tools.

In addition, tapioca flour will also help make the catfish skin drier and provide a crispy effect when fried. This is certainly very beneficial for anyone who wants to get a tastier and non-sticky catfish texture after frying.

How to clean catfish slime with tapioca flour.

Here are the steps you can take to clean catfish slime using tapioca flour:

1. Prepare materials and tools.

- 2-3 catfish
- Tapioca flour to taste
- Clean water
- Knife or fish slicer

2. Wash the catfish.

The first step is to wash the catfish with running water to remove dirt on the fish's body. Make sure the catfish is clean before starting the slime cleaning process.

3. Coat the catfish with tapioca flour.

After the catfish is clean, coat the fish's body with tapioca flour evenly. Make sure the entire surface of the fish, especially the part covered in mucus, is covered with flour. Tapioca flour will work well to absorb the mucus on the fish's body.

4. Massage or Rub the Fish.

After the fish is coated with flour, rub or massage the fish's body slowly. This process aims to help the flour absorb the mucus that sticks to the fish's body. Do the massage gently, not too hard, so that the fish meat is not damaged.

5. Rinse with water.

After the massage process is complete, rinse the catfish with clean water. Make sure the tapioca flour and mucus that has been lifted are completely gone. Wash the fish with running water until clean.

6. Dry the fish.

After the catfish is cleaned, dry the fish's body using a clean cloth or kitchen tissue. This aims to make the fish more ready to be cooked and not too wet when fried, thus producing a crispier texture.

7. Catfish is ready to be cooked.

The catfish is now ready to be cooked as desired. It can be fried, grilled, or cooked in various types of dishes. This way, the catfish will be freer from mucus that causes a bitter taste and the texture will be crispier.

Tips to make catfish crispier and less bitter.

In addition to using tapioca flour to remove slime, there are several other tips that can help make catfish crispier and less bitter when fried:

1. Use oil that is hot enough.

Make sure the oil is hot enough before putting the catfish in the fryer. Oil that is too cold will cause the catfish to absorb the oil, so the texture will not be crispy.

2. Fry over medium heat.

Fry the catfish over medium heat so that the outside of the fish can be cooked perfectly without drying out the meat inside. Frying at the right temperature will make the fish crispier.

3. Use coating flour.

In addition to tapioca flour, you can also add cornstarch or wheat flour to coat the catfish. This flour will provide a crispy layer on the fish.

4. Pay attention to frying time.

Fry the catfish until it is brown and crispy. Do not fry for too long because it can make the fish dry and hard.

Removing catfish slime is an important step to get maximum flavor and texture. By using tapioca flour, the slime on catfish can be removed easily and quickly. In addition, tapioca flour also helps make the texture of catfish crispier when fried. Not only does it make catfish tastier, but it also ensures a healthy and delicious dish.

With this simple method, catfish can be cooked without worrying about bitter taste or slippery texture. So, try these tips to get the best results when cooking catfish.
