
The proper washing process ensures that the meat fibers remain intact and are not destroyed.

  19 September 2024 12:00

Brilio.net - Beef can be cooked in various interesting ways, such as stir-fried beef, beef satay, steak, meatballs, rawon, beef soup, and beef soto. These various preparations not only add variety to the menu, but can also make the dish more appetizing.

Before starting the cooking process, it is important to wash the beef properly. The proper washing process ensures that the meat fibers remain intact and are not destroyed, so that the texture remains good when processed. In addition, washing the meat properly also helps remove the distinctive odor that may remain on the meat, which can reduce the quality of the dish's taste.

If beef is not washed properly, bad odor and mushy texture can be a problem when cooking. To avoid this, it is important to follow the correct and effective meat washing technique. That way, you can ensure that the beef is ready to be processed into a delicious and tasty dish without reducing its quality.

To get around this, make sure you wash the beef the right way. If you are still confused about how to do it, you can watch the method shared by TikTok user @atiebeuaty_. In one of the videos she uploaded, she deliberately washed the beef using one additional ingredient besides water. This is intended so that the beef is maximally clean and free from unpleasant odors.

"I want to share a way to wash meat so it doesn't smell fishy," he explained, quoted by BrilioFood from TikTok @atiebeuaty_ on Wednesday (18/9).

The method is, remove the beef from its packaging. Then slice the beef according to taste. Because he wants to process it by stir-frying, this netizen slices the beef thinly. Put it in a container.

Tricks for washing meat using wheat flour solution  2023 brilio.net

photo: TikTok/@atiebeuaty_

Well, make sure you slice the meat with a sharp meat knife. A sharp blade will make the cooking process easier. Here are the recommendations below at pocket-friendly prices.

Once done, sprinkle enough flour into the beef slices. Squeeze the beef with your hands until the entire surface is covered in flour. This ingredient is believed to be effective in removing all dirt and blood residue in the beef.

Tricks for washing meat using wheat flour solution  2023 brilio.net

photo: TikTok/@atiebeuaty_

When it feels even, let the beef sit for five minutes. Immediately rinse the beef slices under running water if it has been left for five minutes. Rub the surface of the meat to make sure the flour solution is gone. Finally, drain the beef.

"Look, this meat is clean (look, this beef is clean)," he said further.

Tricks for washing meat using wheat flour solution  2023 brilio.net

photo: TikTok/@atiebeuaty_

Clean beef can be directly processed with various spices. Because it is maximally clean, processed beef will be even more delicious because it is free from fishy odor.

This video containing a trick on washing beef immediately caught the attention of many people. Since it was uploaded in June 2021, this video has been liked by 71 other TikTok accounts.
