
Many people often choose wooden stiles for cooking.

  16 April 2024 16:00 - A sutil or wooden spatula is a multi-purpose kitchen tool that is often relied on when cooking. Compared to metal or stainless steel blades, these wooden blades have a number of advantages, you know. Firstly, wooden utensils have a softer material, they do not damage or scratch the surface of non-stick cookware .

In addition, wooden stiles do not conduct heat quickly. This makes it safe to use for water-based cooking. A number of these advantages make wooden sutils more often chosen by many people for cooking.

However, like wooden furniture, this type of furniture must also be cared for properly. This is because wooden utensils are kitchen utensils that easily become moldy and emit an unpleasant odor. This can indeed happen if silk is stored carelessly or not even washed properly.

Even though the condition of the sutil is smelly and moldy, it is certainly not suitable for use because it can transmit bacteria to the food. Therefore, the unpleasant odor and mold stains must be removed immediately. However, washing wooden utensils with soap alone cannot make this kitchen utensil clean straight away, you know.

To get maximum cleanliness, you can copy the trick shared by Instagram user @temanlunch. Through one of the uploaded videos, he admitted that he had his own tricks for removing odors and mold from wooden stiles that were not stored properly. So it's not just washed with soap, there are two other kitchen ingredients used to make wooden stiles hygienic again.

How to remove odor and mold from wood stoves with 2 kitchen ingredients.

Reported by BrilioFood from the Instagram account @temanlunch on Tuesday (16/4), the kitchen ingredients in question are vinegar and salt. Well, these two ingredients are mixed with boiling hot water.

how to get rid of odor and mold on wood stiles  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@temanlunch

For further processing, boil water in a pan until it boils. Then put enough vinegar and salt into the boiling water. After that, immediately put the smelly and moldy wooden sutil into the pan.

how to get rid of odor and mold on wood stiles  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@temanlunch

Shortly after adding it to the pan, turn off the stove heat. Then soak the wooden stile for a few minutes. In an instant, the soaking water will immediately become cloudy, indicating that the dirt and fungus on the wood tiles are starting to fall off. If so, remove and rinse the wooden stile.

how to get rid of odor and mold on wood stiles  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@temanlunch

To make it last longer, don't forget to dry the wooden stile before storing it. Then don't store it in a damp place because this could potentially grow mold on the wood. It's best to store it in an open and dry place so that the wooden stile lasts longer.

Since it was uploaded on Saturday (13/4), this upload about how to remove odor and mold from wooden stiles has been viewed more than 99 thousand times. It's not surprising that many Instagram netizens are interested and also provide responses directly in the comments column.

"Oh, try it," said Instagram @anggaradwiputra.

"Is that really the case with wood... especially if you store it in a closed place," explained Instagram @emalia.29.

"Is that a way to prevent the mold from coming back?" asked the Instagram account @rizkiyindah, to which the video uploader then answered, "The mushrooms can come back, bro, depending on maintenance... you can do it again if the equipment starts to get dirty."

Easy tips for caring for wooden spatulas.

Caring for your wooden spatula can keep it durable and hygienic. Here are some tips for caring for wooden spatulas.

1. Wash gently.

After use, wash the wooden spatula with warm water and a little soap. Don't let the spatula soak in water for too long.

2. Dry well.

After washing, dry the spatula with a dry cloth or clean towel. Do not leave a dry spatula on a damp or wet surface.

3. Avoid the dishwasher.

Do not wash wooden spatulas in the dishwasher, as heat and moisture can damage the wood.

4. Use wood oil.

To maintain moisture and prevent cracking, brush the wooden spatula with wood oil (such as mineral oil) periodically. Let the oil soak for several hours before using again.

5. Do not soak in water.

Avoid soaking wooden spatulas in water for long periods of time, as this can cause them to deteriorate quickly.

6. Avoid direct heat exposure.

Keep wooden spatulas away from direct heat exposure, for example from heat sources such as stoves or ovens.

7. Avoid pollution.

Try not to let the wooden spatula come into contact with liquids or materials that can contaminate the wood, such as excessive oil or harsh chemicals.

8. Check condition.

Regularly check the wooden spatula to ensure there are no cracks or other damage. If found, discontinue use and consider replacing.

9. Save properly.

Store wooden spatulas in a dry place protected from moisture. You can also store it upright to prevent shifting and deformation.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.