The method is simple~

  18 Juli 2024 23:59 - Baking or making cakes can be an activity option to fill your free time at home. Apart from being a fun hobby, baking can also produce cakes that can be shared with your loved ones.

Making cake is actually easy, you just have to follow and add all the ingredients according to the recipe. However, make sure the ingredients are measured correctly so that the cake doesn't fail and rises perfectly.

So that the shape is better, the cake dough that has been made can be put into a mold. Then just bake or steam the cake until cooked.

Unfortunately, some people admit that they often fail to make cakes. Not the process of making the dough, but when removing the cooked cake from the pan . Because the pan was immediately turned over, the condition of the cake inside was no longer intact. There are parts of the cake that actually stick to the bottom of the pan. The appearance of the cake is no longer attractive.

Remove the cake from the pan, don't immediately turn it over  2024

photo: TikTok/@remboelanemas

To get around this so that the shape of the cake remains smooth and beautiful, you can copy the trick shared by TikTok user @remboelanemas. In the video upload, it appears that he has finished making old school sponge cake. Because he wanted to serve it, he wanted to take it out of the pan.

Remove the cake from the pan, don't immediately turn it over  2024

photo: TikTok/@remboelanemas

Well, the cake that had just come out of the oven was still hot, that's why this netizen covered his hands with a dry cloth. Then tilt the baking sheet around 45 degrees and then press it onto a flat, hard table surface. The goal is so that the hot air trapped in the pan can escape perfectly. That way, all parts of the cake don't stick to the bottom of the pan.

"Tap gently so that the sponge cake no longer sticks to the pan," he said, quoted by BrilioFood from the TikTok account @remboelanemas on Thursday (18/7).

Remove the cake from the pan, don't immediately turn it over  2024

photo: TikTok/@remboelanemas

After stirring for a few moments, turn the cake over and hold it on a plate. Then slowly pull the pan. Because none of the cake is stuck, removing it seems easy, right?

Remove the cake from the pan, don't immediately turn it over  2024

photo: TikTok/@remboelanemas

Finally, turn the cake over again to put it in the box provided. The resulting cake looks intact and the surface is perfectly smooth. There are no holes in the cake or sticking to the bottom of the pan.
