foto: YouTube/Farzand Official

You can make your own tire shine at home.

  10 Mei 2024 06:00 - Car tires that have been used many times can change color from jet black to dull. This may happen because the tires are often exposed to dust or sunlight. Water and soap alone are definitely not effective enough to clean tires so they turn black again.

That's why, so that it doesn't get dull, people often choose to apply a special polish for tires . This tire polish is widely sold on the market at various prices. However, without polish, you can also blacken dull car tires with other materials available at home, you know.

One of the netizens on the Farzand Official YouTube account shared a simple trick to blacken car tires. After investigating, even without special polish, the netizen known as Farzand only needs the addition of two kitchen ingredients to blacken dull car tires.

How to make your own tire shine.

What must be prepared is 1 small bowl. Then, fill the bowl with enough cooking oil and dishwashing soap. Yup, those are the two main kitchen ingredients to practice this trick to blacken dull car tires.

After that, add enough shampoo. Just stir until all the ingredients are evenly mixed.

Tricks to blacken dull car tires  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Farzand Official

After stirring, immediately coat the dull tires with the mixture that has been made. Make sure you apply it evenly so that the results can be maximized.

"Apply it with a brush on the tire," emphasized the owner of the YouTube account Farzand Official, quoted by BrilioFood on Friday (10/5).

Next, wipe the tire with a clean cloth. Look, the result is that Farzand's car tires, which were originally dull, have become black again, right?

Tricks to blacken dull car tires  YouTube

photo: YouTube/Farzand Official

How about it, from now on you don't need to be confused about how to blacken dull car tires, right? Taking a peek at Farzand Official's YouTube upload, even though it hasn't received many comments, this video has been watched more than 114 thousand times, you know.

How to remove oil marks from bowls.

Oil residue on the bowl tends to be difficult to clean. Not infrequently, even though it has been washed, there are still oil stains left on the inside of the bowl. Here's how to remove oil marks from bowls that you can try at home.

1. Liquid detergent.

Mix warm water with liquid detergent and soak the bowl for a few moments. After that, scrub with a sponge or soft brush. Rinse thoroughly with warm water.

2. Baking soda.

Sprinkle baking soda on the oil stained area, then add a little water to make a paste. Rub with a sponge or soft brush, then rinse with warm water.

3. White vinegar.

Soak the bowl in a mixture of warm water and white vinegar for several hours. Then, scrub with a sponge or soft brush, and rinse with warm water.

4. Lemon or lime.

Cut a lemon or lime in half and rub the oil stained area with the cut fruit. Let the liquid soak into the stain for a few minutes, then rinse with warm water.

5. Paste of baking soda and oxygen water.

Mix baking soda with oxygen water (which is usually used to clean clothes). Apply this paste to the oil stain, leave it for some time, then scrub with a soft sponge or brush, and rinse with warm water.
