foto: TikTok/@omahelanuzula

Don't let germs and bacteria from musty and dirty towels transfer to your body. Wash it straight away with this easy method.

  9 Mei 2024 23:59 - Towels are objects that are used almost every day. This item functions to dry the body after bathing. That's why towels need to be kept clean.

After use, the towel should be hung and dried in the sun so that it is dry. The reason is, if towels are left in damp conditions, over time the towels can grow mold. Usually, mold stains are characterized by black spots on the surface.

Apart from getting moldy, towels that are often left damp will also give off an unpleasant musty smell. This aroma can interfere with comfort when using towels, you know. As a solution, many people soak towels for hours and then brush them vigorously to remove the musty smell. Even though there are other tricks that are more practical and easy to imitate, you know.

How to clean dirty towels.

This trick was shared by a netizen via the TikTok account @omahelanuzula. In one of his uploads, he shared a trick for washing towels without having to bother brushing them.

Tricks for washing musty towels so they smell good, add 1 kitchen ingredient  various sources

photo: TikTok/@omahelanuzula

After investigating, he only added one kitchen ingredient that is easy to get at home, you know. Reported by BrilioFood on Thursday (9/5), the kitchen ingredient is baking soda. Apart from baking soda, he also uses detergent without fragrance to wash musty-smelling towels.

"The key to ensuring that towels don't smell anymore and still smell good, when washing them, use detergent and sprinkle baking soda in the washing machine drum," wrote the owner of the TikTok account.

Tricks for washing musty towels so they smell good, add 1 kitchen ingredient  various sources

photo: TikTok/@omahelanuzula

First of all, prepare the towels to be washed. After that, put the towels in the washing machine. If so, add enough baking soda to the washing machine drum. Also add liquid detergent for washing towels. Next, wash the towels as usual.

Tricks for washing musty towels so they smell good, add 1 kitchen ingredient  various sources

photo: TikTok/@omahelanuzula

The owner of the TikTok account also doesn't add fragrance when rinsing the washed towels. He just washed it with detergent and baking soda.

"There's no need to use perfume. Then dry it with a dryer, so that the fabric fibers on the towel can become soft again," he added.

Tricks for washing musty towels so they smell good, add 1 kitchen ingredient  various sources

photo: TikTok/@omahelanuzula

If you don't have a dryer at home, you can dry your towels in the washing machine as usual. Then dry the towel in a shady place until completely dry. As a result, the towels which originally smelled musty are now as fragrant and soft as new. So, are you interested in trying this trick?

@omahelanuzula Tips for washing towels Friends, do you already know this? The key to making towels no longer smell and still smells good is, when washing, use detergent and sprinkle baking soda in the washing machine drum. No need to use fragrance. Then dry with a dryer, so that the fabric fibers are on the towel. it can be soft again. Good luck trying it #cleaninghacks #tips #omahelanuzula original sound - Lalanuzula

How to get rid of mold on towels.

Removing mold from towels requires several steps to ensure they are clean and safe to use again. Here's how to remove mold from towels:

Separate towels affected by mold:

If you have multiple towels, make sure to separate those that have mold on them from those that don't. This will prevent the mold from spreading to the clean towels.

1. Soak a towel in cleaning solution.

Soak towels in an effective cleaning solution to kill mold. You can use warm water with added bleach or vinegar. Make sure to follow the instructions for using the cleaning product correctly.

2. Wash towels in hot water.

After soaking, wash the towels in hot water using a strong detergent. The hot temperature of the water can help kill mold and clean dirt more effectively.

3. Add bleach or vinegar.

If possible, add bleach or vinegar to the wash cycle to help kill mold. Be sure to follow the product instructions carefully and avoid using it together with other cleaning products that contain ammonia.

4. Dry the towel in the sun.

After washing, dry the towels in direct sunlight. Sunlight has natural antibacterial properties that can help kill fungi and bacteria. Make sure the towel is completely dry before using it again.

5. Make sure the towel is completely dry before storing.

Make sure the towel is completely dry before storing it back in the cupboard or storage area. Moisture is an ideal environment for mold to grow, so make sure towels are completely dry before storing them.

6. Monitor cleanliness and dry well after use.

To prevent future mold growth, make sure to always keep towels clean and ensure they are always dry after use. Hang towels in a way that allows air circulation to help them dry quickly.
