foto: YouTube/John Usj

Stains on motorbike handlebar rubber usually come from stubborn dust, sand or sweat. So, you need a special and appropriate way to clean it

  10 Mei 2024 08:00 - Clean motorbikes make anyone more confident when driving. Motorbikes can be cleaned regularly every 2 weeks or according to needs. However, even though the entire motorbike body has been cleaned until it shines, sometimes the rubber parts of the handlebars still look dirty.

Stains on rubber motorbike handlebars usually come from stubborn dust, sand or sweat, so they are quite difficult to clean. In fact, these stains can become crusty or moldy if left for a long time, you know. To clean it, quite a few people need a special cleaning fluid which must be purchased at supermarkets or e-commerce.

However, special cleaning fluids sold on the market usually have relatively high prices. So, to stay economical, just use the cleaning materials you have at home, come on. One trick, you can use salt dissolved in water.

However, if you don't want to use salt, don't worry because there is still one more trick that is no less simple. This trick for cleaning stubborn crust on motorbike handlebar rubber was shared by YouTube account user John Usj.

How to clean rust from motorbike handlebar rubber.

Reported by BrilioFood from John Usj's YouTube account, Friday (10/5), the first thing you have to do is smear the motorbike handlebar rubber evenly with dishwashing soap. Yup, dishwashing soap is the main kitchen ingredient for practicing tricks for cleaning stubborn crusts on motorbike handlebar rubber.

Tricks for cleaning stubborn crust on motorbike handlebar rubber  YouTube

photo: YouTube/John Usj

Next, brush the rubber on the motorbike handlebars several times until all the stains are gone. If the motorbike handlebar rubber looks smooth, then rinse it with clean water. Do the same trick one more time if there are still stubborn stains remaining. See, the results are cleaner, right?

Tricks for cleaning stubborn crust on motorbike handlebar rubber  YouTube

photo: YouTube/John Usj

So, even though you only use one simple ingredient, you can still clean motorbike handlebar rubber easily, right? Taking a peek at John Usj's YouTube upload, there are no comments from other netizens yet, but this video has been watched more than 1,000 times, you know.

How to add more dish soap.

Dishwashing soap that is used every day will definitely run out quickly. So, to save more, you can try several ways to increase the amount of dishwashing soap as below.

1. Use a mixture of baking soda and water.

Baking soda is an effective natural cleaning agent. Mix a few tablespoons of baking soda with warm water to make a cleaning solution that can be used to wash dishes.

2. Mix in lime or vinegar.

Lime or vinegar is another natural ingredient that can help clean grease and dirt on dishes. Mix warm water with vinegar or lime juice to create an effective cleaning solution.

3. Use castile soap.

Castile soap is a natural soap made from vegetable oils. You can dilute it with water to create an effective cleaning solution for washing dishes.

4. Use warm water.

Using warm water when washing dishes can help soften grease and dirt, so you need less soap to clean dishes.

5. Add essential oil.

Some essential oils, such as lemon oil or orange oil, not only provide a fresh scent, but also have natural cleansing properties. Add a few drops of essential oil to your cleaning solution to increase its effectiveness.
