Attorney Sandra Dewi will not take this issue to the legal realm.

  6 Juni 2024 18:25 - Viral on social media regarding the status of Sandra Dewi who was officially named a suspect. One of these rumors was uploaded by the X account (Twitter) on Wednesday (5/6) yesterday.

"Sandra Dewi has just been named a suspect in illegal tin mining corruption with state losses of 300T," tweeted the account @dramatictokid.

The wife of Harvey Moeis has indeed been repeatedly investigated for the case involving her husband. However, the still confusing issues regarding Sandra Dewi got wilder and wilder, until finally the Attorney General's Office spoke out.

Head of the Attorney General's Office, Ketut Sumedana, said that Sandra Dewi currently still has the status of a witness in the corruption case regarding tin commodity trading in the Mining Business Permit (IUP) area. This corruption was carried out by PT Timah Tbk for the 2015-2022 period.

The Attorney General's response regarding the status of suspect Sandra Dewi from various sources

photo: Zakharia

"There has been no official statement from investigators regarding the determination of the suspect in question. This means that up to now the person in question still has the status of a witness," said Ketut as reported by from, Thursday (6/6).

Due to the circulation of misleading news, Ketut appealed to the public to be more careful in receiving information. He asked to refer to reliable sources.

Apart from that, Ketut also said that the public should not be easily fooled through unclear information on social media.

The Attorney General's response regarding the status of suspect Sandra Dewi from various sources

photo: Instagram/@sandradewi88

Regarding Sandra Dewi's status, if there are any changes or new information, Sumedana said that the AGO will definitely convey it through an official announcement.

"If there is a change in the status of the person concerned, we will definitely inform you. Yes (still a witness), we already said that up to now his status is still a witness," he said.

Apart from that, Sandra Dewi's attorney, Harris Arthur Hedar, also dismissed this as being attributed to his client. According to him, the news was only spread by irresponsible people.

"There is no such thing, Mr. Kapuspenkum (Attorney General's Office) has confirmed that there is no such thing. It is a slanderous hoax made by irresponsible people," said Harris.

The Attorney General's response regarding the status of suspect Sandra Dewi from various sources

photo: Instagram/@sandradewi88

Even though she has suffered losses, through her attorney, Sandra Dewi has no desire to take legal action. He only asked that the public understand his client's position as a public figure and also the wife of Harvey Moeis.

"I don't need to think that until now there has been no (legal remedy). This means that it is usually made by irresponsible people who make these things, it doesn't exist," he said

"There is no connection, we have to be able to differentiate between her position as Sandra Dewi and her position as HM's wife. So there is no need to take legal action, this is her witness status," he continued.
