Through her lawyer, Sandra Dewi revealed her reasons for choosing to close her Instagram account.

  30 April 2024 21:25 - The tin corruption case that involved Harvey Moeis as a suspect is still ongoing. The Attorney General's Office is also still investigating who is behind the case which caused losses to the state amounting to IDR 271 trillion.

Since Harvey Moeis was named a suspect, his family has also been affected. Even his wife, Sandra Dewi, did not want to appear in public and closed her personal Instagram account.

The disappearance of Sandra Dewi's social media account has certainly attracted the attention of netizens. The reason is that quite a few people suspect that this is the artist's way of escaping from the investigation that is dragging his name.

Reason why Sandra Dewi closed her Instagram account  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@sandradewi88

However, Sandra Dewi's attorney, Harris Arthur, revealed the reason for the disappearance of the 40 year old woman's social media. Instead of running away, Sandra Dewi admitted that she was hurt when she learned that her children were the targets of netizen hatred over the Harvey Moeis corruption case.

"I once asked Mrs. Sandra: Ma'am, why was it closed? She was holding back as if crying: Prof, my child was being bullied, Prof. That's what hurt me. That's why he closed," said Harris Arthur, quoted by from the channel. YouTube Intense Investigation, Tuesday (30/4).

The lawyer really regrets the attitude of netizens in responding to this corruption case. He believes that if you really want to blame, just blame the person concerned so that their children don't become victims of netizens' annoyance.

"Small children have nothing to do with their parents' case. Don't make small children the target of anger, they don't know anything yet. They can't even think, so why should they be the target of bullying," he said.

"Netizens must have a conscience, understand the case first. Look first at who is being bullied, a child or not," he continued.

Reason why Sandra Dewi closed her Instagram account  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@sandradewi88

Harris Arthur believes that the actions of netizens who also dragged Sandra Dewi's children and bullied them were sadistic. This can be reported to legal channels.

"Isn't it sadistic? Sadistic, the child is still small. If they are caught, they can be prosecuted," he said again.

Even so, Harris supports Sandra Dewi and her family members' steps to take a hiatus from social media until the situation is conducive. Bearing in mind, the legal process against the suspects is continuing.

"What Mrs. Sandra Dewi did was the right step when she closed social media. Because it was aimed at avoiding slander, and aimed at protecting her children's mental health," he said.

It cannot be denied that the impact of her husband's case hampered Sandra Dewi's career. But he never questioned it. It's just that until now the mother of two children has not been able to be too open with other people to talk about the problems her husband is facing.

Now Sandra Dewi's Instagram account is back but there are no posts on it at all. There are only a few Instagram Story posts saved in highlights.

Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.