foto: TikTok/@afniwahyuni24 - Social media was recently enlivened by the actions of a teacher who vented and protested openly. Launching from the Tiktok account @afniwahyuni24, a teacher recorded his actions as he talked about the fate of students and teachers at school. Interestingly, in this story he brought up the tin corruption case.
As is known, Indonesian society was shocked by major corruption cases. The tin commodity trading case also ensnared the husband of artist Sandra Dewi , namely Harvey Moeis . Unmitigated, the figure mentioned reached IDR 271 trillion. This figure makes this case one of the biggest corruption cases in Indonesia.
Disappointed by this case, the teacher known as Afni Wahyuni criticized the mega tin corruption case and compared it with the condition of education in Indonesia.
honorary teacher confides in corruption case
"Rp. 271 trillion, at least we won't see Indonesian children's shoes with holes like this," said Afni while showing one of her students' shoes with holes.
"Rp. 271 trillion, at least we won't be able to see Indonesian children's bags torn (unfit for use) like this again," he added.
honorary teacher confides in corruption case
Furthermore, Afni then mentioned that if the Rp. 271 trillion in corruption money was put to good use, it could improve the welfare of teachers in Indonesia.
"And IDR 271 trillion, at least we will no longer be able to see honorary teachers in Indonesia earning IDR 200 thousand per month," he concluded.
honorary teacher confides in corruption case
After being shared, the upload immediately became the public's spotlight. Many said they agreed and appreciated the bold statement by the teacher at SMPN 4 Tembilahan Hulu.
"Cool, teacher. There should be more teachers who speak like this," wrote the account owner @bangtomu050576.
"The corruptors don't care about Indonesian children, the corruptors only care about themselves," said the account @user387172789578.
"That's right, ma'am. This is actually a spree with money stolen from thieves, it won't be a blessing, instead it will be torture in hell and later in the grave you will be subjected to great torture," @manzcimolbojotchenko.
"I used to go to school wearing holes in my shoes until I graduated from vocational school. I got a school bag from someone who gave me a gift. Sometimes it had holes and had to be sewn up, and many of the insides were already slightly damaged. I used school books left over from last year's books. There were still some left over, they kept being torn apart. "Still none of the graffiti has been used," said the account @xiaoxiaoyan21, joining in the conversation.
honorary teacher confides in corruption case
Reported by, until now the Attorney General's Office is still continuing to investigate the tin commodity corruption case that occurred in the PT Timah Tbk Mining Business License (IUP) area. The value of ecological losses caused by corruption in PT Timah's IUP reached IDR 271 trillion.
Based on information, it is stated that the total value of environmental damage losses consists of three types. First, ecological losses amounting to IDR 183.7 trillion, environmental economic losses IDR 74.4 trillion and finally environmental restoration costs IDR 12.1 trillion.
Meanwhile, state financial losses are still being formulated by investigators together with related parties. The names Harvey Moeis and crazy rick PIK Helena Lim are included in the list of 16 suspects in the corruption case.