The story was told when attending an event on a television station.

  19 Juni 2024 13:25 - Angelina Sondakh, a former member of the Indonesian House of Representatives from the Democratic faction, recently talked about her latest life after being released from prison. Previously, Angelina was caught in a corruption case in 2012. He must serve a prison sentence of 10 years. Reportedly, this woman, who is also known as an actress, was only declared free in April 2022.

Angelina briefly shared her experiences as a politician. He served as a member of the DPR RI for two consecutive periods, namely 2004-2009 and 2009-2014. The story was told when attending an event on a television station.

This woman, who is often called Angie, said that she had experienced the dark side when she was still serving as a people's representative. According to his confession, he received many gifts in the form of luxury bags while in office. These bags usually come from well-known brands.

Angelina Sondakh admits that she often accepts bribes from various sources

photo: Instagram/@angelinasondakh09

"So during my time in office, there were a lot of people who gave me even though I didn't ask for it," said the woman who is usually called Angie, as reported by @obrolantiaptime_trans7 Wednesday (19/6).

Angie admitted that she often received this gift when asked to validate something. According to him, luxury bags and other gifts are usually used as bribes because there are parties who need his signature.

"Because I might need my signature, before the signature the bags have already arrived, especially when I sign," he said.

Angelina Sondakh admits that she often accepts bribes from various sources

photo: Instagram/@angelinasondakh09

Because she was given gifts at fantastic prices, Angie admitted that she never refused them. He is well aware that he is currently living a fairly hedonistic lifestyle. It would be a shame for him not to accept the gift.

"And because maybe I used to be hedonistic, I'm sorry, don't imitate it, people just accept it," he said.

In the end, Aaliyah Massaid's mother realized that the person who asked for her autograph would definitely get their own benefit. This made him realize that what he was doing was a practice of bribery.

"In fact, people came to get the benefit of my signature. After that, they realized, oh, this is actually a bribery act," added Angie.

During the event, Angie also said that it wasn't just bags that she received. However, there are many other items with fantastic value. This happens when Angie smoothly signs and completes a project.

"Especially if, for example, the signing goes smoothly, it's not just the bag that comes," he said with a laugh.

Angelina Sondakh admits that she often accepts bribes from various sources

photo: Instagram/@obrolantiapcepat_trans7

This confession then attracted the attention of netizens. Many are certainly aware that this is the practice in Indonesian politics. Angie's statement is also considered to still occur today.

"This is the same as opening a "political" disgrace, isn't it? Hahahaha that's good CONTINUE NNN," said the account @fitribunga2

"No wonder the asset confiscation bill is still sitting around... not moving anywhere..." wrote the account @angielfian

"Even though there's no need to discuss it ma'am, it's been common since ancient times," commented the account @mmyn110301

"Haram wealth is easy to obtain but also easy to evaporate so you won't be satisfied, aka you will be addicted to accumulating sins until you end up broke," said the account @adrian_0531
