Rachel Maryam's hair looks gray, she is now 44 years old. SEE MORE...
Elected as a member of the DPRD, here are 5 moments when Bella Shofie used her first salary for community activities
The boy with the big bule face became a celebrity married to a nobleman, now running for regent's representative, his 9 transformations
The story behind Wanda Hamidah's resignation from the Golkar Party, wanting to follow her conscience
Choosing to focus on accompanying Ridwan Kamil, Atalia Praratya announces her withdrawal from the 2024 Pilkada candidacy
Revealing the dark side of her time as a member of the DPR, Angelina Sondakh admitted that she often received bribes in the form of luxury bags
Having a house like a palace, these 9 portraits of Liliana Tanoesoedibjo's kitchen are classic with wooden nuances
So DPRD members have a luxurious house like a castle, here are 9 portraits of the kitchen of Tina Toon's classic all-white house