The post has been deleted by Stella Cornelia

  18 Juni 2024 13:39 - TikTok social media is busy discussing the status on Instagram Stories belonging to Stella Cornelia , Fendy Chow's wife. Having never seen slanted news before, recently Stella uploaded a satirical status about her child which she thought was intended for her husband.

In the upload which has now been deleted by Stella but has been re-uploaded to the account @lieyen0707, this former member of the girl group JKT48 asked her husband to take her baby home in his arms.

Stella Cornelia's status, satirized by Fendy Chow  various sources

photo: TikTok/@lieyen0707

" MY CHILD IS STILL BREASTFEEDING FULL DIRECT BREASTFEEDING. If you are a good father, please take my child to his mother, that is ME!!!!!! ," said Stella, uploading Instagram Stories, Tuesday (18/6).

According to the account @lieyen0707, Stella's Instagram Stories upload disappeared after Fendy Chow also uploaded a status about separation. Because not long after, Fendy wrote the word 'Bye' on his Instagram Stories account with a black background.

Stella Cornelia's status, satirized by Fendy Chow  various sources

photo: TikTok/@lieyen0707

" Now it's Ko Fendy's turn to write the words bye in the story ," said the uploader.

Suddenly the upload made the public surprised and asked questions. Remembering, a few days ago the two of them were still together showing a portrait of togetherness while on a picnic with their children. In Stella and Fendy's posts, they both look happy while accompanying their son.

Stella Cornelia's status, satirized by Fendy Chow  various sources

photo: Instagram/@fendychow

" Let's conquer the world, Avery (Let's conquer the world, Avery)," said Stella. "Collecting precious memories ," said Fendy with a heart emoticon.

Until now, there has been no clarification from Fendy Chow or Stella Cornelia. The couple, who married on July 23 2017, appeared to be silent without uploading any status on their respective social media pages.

" What's going on, why is this? Watch out, Fendi Chow, don't be weird ," said @quwwnmamalibra.

" What's wrong with Cici?!? I hope you understand how difficult it is to have a baby... get married early... don't let it happen ," added @babytakkun.

" Is that how her child was kidnapped?? " asked fitanr12.
