Jordi Onsu said Betrand Peto would study abroad

  18 Juni 2024 09:29 - The issue of divorce between Sarwendah and her husband Ruben Onsu has recently received public attention. In the midst of this issue, Betrand Peto's name was also dragged into various oblique accusations. Ruben Onsu's younger brother, Jordi Onsu finally spoke up regarding this matter.

He couldn't keep quiet so he needed to provide a body for his nephew. As an uncle, Jordi said he was embarrassed and annoyed by the accusations involving Betrand and his brother-in-law. The reason is, this issue has an impact on Betrand Peto's education.

Betrand Peto Scholarship from various sources

photo: YouTube/Sambal Lalap

Jordi said that Betrand was no longer a child and had just graduated from Morning Star Academy. Because of this, his nephew, who is 19 years old, will continue his education at university level. Previously, there was good news that Betrand received 2 scholarships. However, because of the accusations against him, the campus is now reconsidering the scholarship.

"Well, this is one of them. Betrand should have entered a university this June. And again, because of the untrue rumors, Betrand and Sarwendahlah, this is affecting Betrand's education. This is one of the considerations for campuses to assess," said Jordi in a video. He was seen being met at Soekarno-Hatta Airport.

Due to Betrand's talent, he received two scholarships for his music. Because the university was considering it again, Jordi admitted that he was too angry. The reason is, the campus may decide not to provide the scholarship.

Betrand Peto Scholarship from various sources

photo: Instagram/@betrandpetoputraonsu

"Betrand received a scholarship from his music and this is currently being considered, being re-evaluated. Actually, if I want to be angry, it's like heuh... I want to be angry," said Jordi.

Jordi also admitted that the news out there could no longer be controlled. He just often told his brother-in-law to be patient. Apart from that, Jordi also admitted that he would fight again for the Betrand Peto scholarship. One of the efforts is to try to meet the Dean of the University.

"I always say to Ci Wenda, okay, be patient, let's try to meet the dean. We meet the dean one by one, explain," he added.

For Jordi. The accusations currently circulating have gone too far. He said that, as a public figure, it was his fate to be in the spotlight of many people. However, don't go too far and ruin what you have achieved like what happened to Betrand Peto.

Betrand Peto Scholarship from various sources

photo: Instagram/@betrandpetoputraonsu

"Like this, friends, for Onyo, yes. Onyo is an adult, he is 19 years old, there is a lot of news out there which in my opinion is out of bounds. Onyo is not a child who can't read anything, you bully him, that's if If you say it's a public figure, it's already a risk that a public figure's movements will be noticed, or maybe if you don't want to comment, you don't have to be an artist. You can (comment), but it's okay, don't miss it!" Jordi continued.

Now, the family says they are currently more focused on Betrand Peto's future. It is said that it looks like Betrand will study abroad. Apart from that, Jordi is more concerned about the schools of his other two nieces, namely Thalia and Thania.

"Betrand is already starting to grow up, maybe he will want to study abroad, I don't know yet. Later we will try asking his children. Now the focus is on Onyo's studies, Thalia and Thania's school," he concluded.
