foto: Instagram/@mysamawar;

Not wanting to be said to be following trends, Mawar AFI has apparently been doing plastic surgery since 2004.

  18 Juli 2024 15:20 - The public is busy with the issue of artists having plastic surgery. The crowd started because of the news that Mahalini and Rizky Febian had undergone plastic surgery on their noses. This change shocked netizens because their appearance was quite different after plastic surgery.

Responding to plastic surgery carried out by artists, Mawar AFI is reluctant to be said to be following the trend. This was conveyed during the Rumpi No Secret event. He explained that he does not follow trends because he has been doing it since 2004.

"If you're not involved, my first was from 2004. I had implants for more than 15 years," said Mawar.

Rose Afi nose job 200 million  2024

photo: Instagram/@mysamawar

The singer who graduated from the Indosiar Fantasy Academy said that he had undergone plastic surgery twice. The first operation is to place the implant. However, the second is to replace it with ribs.

"Then I don't want any more implants in my body. So I use ribs," said Mawar, quoted by on Thursday (18/7).

This mother of three proudly shows off the results of her surgery. His nose has now become sharper and sharper. Receiving praise, Mawar also revealed the price she had to pay for nose surgery.

Rose Afi nose job 200 million  2024


"Yes (the results are good). (Rp.) 200 million," said Mawar proudly.

Apart from nose surgery, apparently the owner's full name Mawar Dhimas Febra Purwanti also had her jaw enhanced. However, this was due to malpractice committed by fake doctors.

"Previously it was because of medical reasons. There has been a change because of this. First of all, I was exposed to dental malpractice, this really affected me, my friends. So I actually didn't need to have my lower teeth taken out, 4 of them were taken by a doctor who turned out not to be a dentist. ," he said.

This 38 year old singer explained that as a result of the operation, his jaw became slanted. He also had difficulty eating because the teeth on his right jaw could not be used for chewing.

Rose Afi nose job 200 million  2024

photo: Instagram/@mysamawar

"So my jaw became slanted, really fatally slanted. So much so that I could only chew on the left side, my teeth couldn't meet my right," he added.

The interview video, which was re-uploaded to the Instagram account @pembasmi.kehaluan.reall, received various comments from netizens. They praised Mawar's plastic surgery results which had succeeded in making her beautiful.

" But compared to what used to be beautiful now, this op is successful, it's not strange ," said @mama_alaataara.

" But this one is good, the face is also clean, nice and smooth, really beautiful ," said @astri_neilla.

" I too, if I had a lot of money, would be like an artist. I would like plastic surgery, " @tauruscute9.

" You're getting more beautiful... Taoi, you know, she was already cute, she's not boring, her face is just pug ," said @tere_strong.

" It's really beautiful... ulallaa ," said @nursitawidyastuti.
