Avoid doing these things to keep your nerves healthy.

  18 Juli 2024 09:45

Brilio.net - Most people consider pinched nerves to be a health problem that only the elderly experience. However, in reality this nervous disorder can attack anyone, even young people.

A pinched nerve is a condition that causes the nerve to receive excessive pressure from the surrounding tissue. The result is unbearable pain, both when resting and doing activities.

Generally, mild pinched nerves can improve on their own or with routine therapy. However, if you experience a severe pinched nerve, it needs to be treated with surgery. Therefore, it is important to maintain nerve health from an early age.

The cause of a pinched nerve can be influenced by daily habits, such as sitting position or the habit of supporting a coconut using the hand with the elbow as support, which causes pressure around the nerve. As a result, it causes a pinched nerve.

Apart from that, it could also be due to the habit of crossing your legs for a long time, injury, bruising, or other health conditions such as disc herniation, inflammation of the spine, or spinal abnormalities.

Apart from that, it is important for you to be aware of trivial habits that can actually trigger pinched nerves. To understand better, let's look at the review below, as summarized by brilio.net on Wednesday (17/7).

Habits that can actually trigger pinched nerves in young people.

Habits that trigger pinched nerves  2024 freepik.com

photo: freepik.com

1. Lack of exercise.

The habit of being too lazy to move or rarely exercising can be a trigger for pinched nerves. Not only does it trigger pinched nerves, it can cause various other dangerous diseases such as obesity and heart problems.

When you rarely exercise, your muscles and spine become stiff to move. As a result, sudden intense movement can trigger a pinched nerve. Therefore, it is important to train the body with regular exercise to reduce the risk of injury or pain in the spine.

2. The habit of looking down.

Without realizing it, the habit of looking down when facing a laptop or cellphone can trigger pinched nerves. This is because repetitive movements can put excessive pressure on the nerves, which can result in pinched nerves. Apart from that, the habit of lying down for too long also has the potential to cause pinched nerves. So, let's move regularly and lie down less.

Even if you work in front of a laptop, you should take a break every 2 hours to walk or stretch your body. This is good for preventing pinched nerves.

3. Poor body posture.

Sitting or standing with incorrect posture can trigger pinched nerves. Because it can put extra pressure on the spine and nerves. As a result, it can increase the risk of a pinched nerve.

To prevent this from happening, you should sit or stand with an upright posture. Even when sleeping, care must be taken to sleep on your back and ensure that your head, neck and back are in a neutral position or in one line to avoid excessive pressure on the nerves.

4. Lifting heavy objects.

Lifting something heavy too often is not good, you know. The heavy object being lifted puts extra pressure on all the muscles and joints in the body. If left untreated, it increases the risk of a pinched nerve.

Apart from that, make sure not to stress. Because stress also triggers muscle tension and sadness which occurs spontaneously. As a result, it can trigger a pinched nerve which makes you feel very intense pain during daily activities.

5. Sedentary lifestyle.

This lifestyle is an unhealthy lifestyle, because a person tends to be lazy about moving or doing physical activity. According to the website of the Indonesian Ministry of Health, a sedentary lifestyle is an activity carried out outside sleep time and only expends a small amount of calories, no less than 1.5 METs.

This lifestyle can actually trigger various health problems, including pinched nerves. The World Health Organization (WHO) states that a sedentary lifestyle can cause death and even tends to occur frequently in parts of the world. Because it causes the risk of diseases such as diabetes, obesity, heart disease, pinched nerves and mental disorders.

6. Exercise with high intensity.

Physical activity is good for the body but should not be excessive. High intensity exercise can trigger contractions of strong muscles and bones. In addition, it can increase pressure on the blood vessels, tendons and surrounding nerves involved in the movement.

It doesn't stop there, it turns out that high intensity exercise can also cause inflammation and even swelling of the surrounding tissue. The result is stress on the nerves. If it gets worse without warming up first, it can be dangerous for your health.

7. Exercise at high speed.

The habit of exercising at high speed, such as cycling, running, sprinting, tennis and badminton, actually increases the risk of injury, especially to the nerves. Even so, the main cause does not lie in the sport but in an unbalanced position.

Therefore, it is important to maintain correct technique, warm up first, and pay attention to body posture to reduce the risk of injury to the nerves.

Tips to prevent pinched nerves.

Habits that trigger pinched nerves  2024 freepik.com

photo: freepik.com

1. Maintain ideal body weight and posture.

2. Practice lifting weights correctly.

3. Do stretches to keep your muscles flexible.

4. Don't sit for too long.

5. Rest and stretch your body in the middle of repetitive movements.

6. Use an ergonomic chair if your work involves a lot of sitting.

7. Use a wrist rest when using the keyboard.

8. Position the laptop or keyboard in a comfortable position for the arms and wrists just above the thighs.

9. Maintain body fitness by consuming adequate food and nutrition. Don't forget, get enough sleep.
