foto: soraya intercine films

This film is full of drama, exciting, annoying and hilarious

  17 Juli 2024 17:30 - In the midst of the onslaught of the horror genre, films about family conflicts remain one of the attractions in the world of cinema. Understandably, family stories often describe the reality that exists in society.

Moreover, if the film is covered in the culture of one of the regions in Indonesia, it will feel close to people's lives. This is what will be shown in the film entitled Diary of a Crazy Son-in-law . This film made by Soraya Intercine Films, which is adapted from the novel by Rosi L Simamora with the same title, will enliven Indonesian cinema screens.

Diary of a Crazy Son-in-law  2024 photo: soraya intercine films

This film, starring Ariel Tatum and Raditya Dika, tells a story that is very close to our lives, especially in Batak society. This film, which will premiere in Indonesian cinemas on July 18 2024, tells the story of the problems of a new couple living with their in-laws.

In this film, the couple Minar (Ariel Tatum) and Sahat (Raditya Dika) have to live under the same roof as their mother-in-law (Lina Marpaung). The mother-in-law, who is actually Sahat's mother, has a different view about love.

For Minar, love is quality time and communication. Meanwhile, for mothers-in-law, love is the presence of a son at the wedding as the successor to the clan. Not surprisingly, since the beginning of their marriage, their mother-in-law never got tired of asking Minar to give her a grandson.

Diary of a Crazy Son-in-law  2024 photo: soraya intercine films

Due to economic reasons, this couple, who did not have enough money, was forced to stay at their mother-in-law's house and were given a bed left by Opungnya Sahat. This "Sacred Bed" also becomes a spice for the inner struggle in this young couple's conflict.

For my mother-in-law, this bed has amazing properties. How could it not be, when my mother-in-law just got married and slept in that bed, she immediately became pregnant with Monang (Robby Purba), her first child. It's natural that the mother-in-law insists on getting a grandson from Minar and Sahat.

Unable to stand the conflict that continues to occur, Minar has an agenda, to invite Sahat out of her mother-in-law's house. He wants to have his own house, without interference from his mother-in-law. The problem is, is it possible for Mother-in-law to allow Minar and Sahat to leave the house before giving Mother-in-law a grandson? What is clear is that this film is full of drama, exciting, annoying, exciting, so you want to scratch the asphalt.

The ins and outs of the film making process

Diary of a Crazy Son-in-law  2024 photo: soraya intercine films

Sunil Soraya, as the producer and director of the film Diary of a Mad Men-in-law , was very serious about working on this film. It took more than 5 years to complete this story because it is not easy to translate a novel story based on a visual film where every inch of a scene counts.

For him, making a film requires looking at it from all aspects and from the heart so that it produces a masterpiece, like the previous film Tenggelamnya Kapal Van der Wijck which was proven to be accepted by the public as marked by reaching millions of viewers.

Diary of a Crazy Son-in-law  2024 photo: soraya intercine films

Sunil's foresight in seeing this story made him passionate about bringing it to the big screen. Starting from dissecting the scenario, selecting the actors to the director, he did it himself because he didn't want to miss any inch of the process of this film.

During the pre-production period, Ariel Tatum and Raditya Dika carried out reading activities for more than 5 months, this was their seriousness in deepening the material to animate the characters and build chemistry between the two of them.

In fact, Sunil was directly involved in the process of deepening this character, starting from the smallest things, such as Raditya Dika having to change his walking style to become the Sahat character he played, while Ariel Tatum had to deepen his role starting from body style, expression in response to problems, spontaneous reactions, and his patience became Minar character.

Diary of a Crazy Son-in-law  2024 photo: andriyansyah

This film is beautifully wrapped with a soundtrack from Batas Senja entitled " Thank You " and " Maybe Not Now ", making this film more colorful and very interesting to enjoy. In making this song, they always communicated to produce the right lyrics and melody for the film, which also stars Raline Shah, who plays Intan. If you're curious about what the story of Diary of a Crazy Son-in-law is like, save the date it will be shown in cinemas starting July 18 2024.
