Sajidah's cooking skills developed rapidly at the age of 13.

  6 Juli 2024 12:00 - I haven't lost my memory of Geni Faruk's confession regarding Tariq Halilintar, who had already made the Hajj when he was two months old. Geni Faruk's confession was made during the proposal moment for Tariq Halilintar and Aaliyah Massaid, which was held last week.

This makes the public continue to highlight the Gen Halilintar family. Like not long ago, the public again highlighted Geni Faruk's old confession about being proud of his baby. When talking with Atta Halilintar, Geni said that his third daughter, Sajidah Halilintar, had been able to cook since she was 7 years old.

According to Geni, it all started when he was cooking in the kitchen. Sajidah, who was 7 years old at that time, approached him and offered to help him cook.

Geni Faruk says his daughter can cook at the age of 7  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@sajidahhalilintar

"The origin of the story is, when Umi was 7 years old cooking in the kitchen, Sajidah came, 'Umi, what are you making? Are you tired, Mi, Sajidah will help you here,' said Geni Faruk, who re-uploaded the Instagram account @rumpi_gosip, quoted by on Saturday ( 6/7).

That's where Geni said that Sajidah started learning to cook. Who would have thought that Sajidah could even cook stir-fried kale and boiled spinach at just 7 years old. The age at which children start elementary school.

"So from there Sajidah started learning to cut. At the age of 7, Jidah first cooked stir-fried kale and boiled spinach," he explained further.

Sajidah's cooking skills are also increasing at the age of 13. Geni revealed that her daughter, who is familiarly called Jidah, can already cook and manage her own finances.

Geni Faruk says his daughter can cook at the age of 7  Instagram

photo: Instagram/@sajidahhalilintar

"After that he improved, when he was 13 years old he could cook by himself, manage his own shopping," explained Geni Faruk.

Geni Faruk's confession was also confirmed by Jidah. Atta Halilintar's younger brother revealed that at the age of 13 he could cook large portions for 60 people. It doesn't stop there, he also has his own catering business called Sajidah.

"Well, from that, I usually cook for 13 people, I can cook for 60 people all day from morning to night. So I got used to it, so I started catering. It's called Sajidah catering," added Geni Faruk.
