foto: linkedin/ahmadrafifraya

After the issue went viral, the OJK officially summoned Ahmad Rafif Raya for allegedly violating investment management procedures.

  5 Juli 2024 12:40 - Not long ago, X's social media (twitter) was filled with allegations that influencers had failed to manage investor funds. No joke, the total funds entrusted to the influencer reached IDR 71 billion.

The news started with a tweet from @profesor_saham on June 30 2024. In a tit-for-tat, netizens were busy guessing who the person in question was and led to the influencer from Makassar Ahmad Rafif Raya, the figure behind the @saatnyabelisaham account. However, after the news went viral, Rafif was known to have locked his Instagram account.

Influencer shares Ahmad Afif  various sources

Stock influencer Ahmad Afif

Meanwhile, from an upload on a stock application, information emerged regarding failure to manage funds which was allegedly carried out by Ahmad Rafif. It is said that 34 customers from Makassar, South Sulawesi entrusted large amounts of funds to the stock influencer.

"The client with the largest funds is 10 billion, while the client with the smallest funds is 135 million rupiah," wrote an article on Stockbit uploaded by the skydrugz27 account.

After the viral issue, the Financial Services Authority (OJK) officially summoned Ahmad Rafif Raya on Thursday (4/7) yesterday for allegedly violating investment management procedures. However, for sanctions and actions, we will wait for the results of improvements from Ahmad Rafif.

Hudiyanto said, based on the individual licensing database at the OJK, Ahmad Rafif has a license at the OJK as a Deputy Investment Manager and Securities Trading Broker Representative.

However, investment activities in the capital market cannot be carried out by individuals. The reason is, the capital market must go through a legal entity licensed by the OJK.

Influencer shares Ahmad Afif  various sources

Stock influencer Ahmad Afif
YouTube/Cuap Cuap Cuan

Regarding the legal status of PT Timanya Belisaham, the owner of the account @duniabelisaham is not registered with any permits. Both in terms of Securities Traders, Investment Managers, Investment Advisors, Mutual Fund Securities Selling Agents, @timebelisaham there is no OJK permission.

The name Ahmad Rafif himself is quite well known in the stock investor network and is involved in the stock investment business. In fact, he once appeared on a CNBC channel show. His face has also appeared on podcasts several times to talk about shares.

Based on his personal LinkedIn platform, Ahmad Rafif Raya has graduated with a Bachelor of Accounting from Hasanuddin University in Makassar since 2014. 3 years later in 2017, Ahmad Rafif has become a broker in a company.

Influencer shares Ahmad Afif  various sources

Stock influencer Ahmad Afif

He once worked as a stock broker at PT Panin Sekuritas Tbk. Rafif also helped create an education and stock management platform called Truzt Indonesia. Until finally, he was registered as an investment manager licensed by the Financial Services Authority or OJK starting 2020.

As the owner of the Instagram account @saatnyabelisaham, Rafif offers investments with a deposit system. It was even reported that this company had offered investments with a return of 40 percent a year.

Because the large amount of profit on offer makes clients interested in investing. However, when 34 clients with total funds of IDR 71 billion joined, it didn't bring good news.

Continuing to experience losses made Ahmad Rafif lie by telling investors he was making a profit. Even so, the influencer is reportedly ready to cover the losses as debt. The total investment value is IDR 71,811,674,410.

It is said that debt payments will be made in stages. Starting from 1 July 2024 and will end on 1 July 2027.
