
Diabetes is caused by a disruption of the insulin hormone produced by the pancreatic gland.

  22 Mei 2024 09:25 - Diabetes is a disease that often haunts people around the world. Reported by from, data from the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) shows that the number of diabetes sufferers in the world in 2021 will reach 537 million people. This figure is predicted to continue to increase to 643 million people in 2030 and 783 million people in 2045. Indonesia is ranked fifth in the country with the number of diabetes sufferers reaching 19.5 million people in 2021 and will increase in 2045 to 28.6 million people.

Diabetes not only affects adults but also children. In January 2023, diabetes cases in children will increase 70-fold. The number of diabetes cases in children will reach 2 per 100 thousand people in January 2023. The most common cases of diabetes are type 1, while type 2 diabetes accounts for 5-10 percent of all diabetes cases affecting children in Indonesia.

Therefore, it is important for parents to know the symptoms, causes and ways to treat diabetes that attacks children. The following is the review as summarized by from various sources, Tuesday (21/5).

What is diabetes?

Diabetes or diabetes mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disorder that arises due to an increase in blood sugar levels above normal and lasts a long time until it becomes chronic. Diabetes is caused by a disruption of the insulin hormone produced by the pancreatic gland.

The function of the insulin hormone is to move blood sugar to cells to be stored or used as energy. If insulin does not work properly, the body will suffer from diabetes. Blood sugar that is too high due to untreated diabetes can damage the eye nerves, kidneys and other organs.

There are two types of diabetes. First, type 1 diabetes, which is a chronic condition when the pancreas produces little or no insulin. Type 2 diabetes usually occurs in adults. Type 2 diabetes occurs when the body becomes resistant to insulin or does not produce enough insulin.

Symptoms of diabetes in children.

Beware of diabetes in children


Diabetes in children is a less common disease compared to adults. Symptoms of diabetes in children often appear slowly and can be easily missed by parents. Recognizing the symptoms of this disease early is very important to ensure the child gets the right diagnosis and treatment to prevent further complications.

The following are symptoms that arise when children have diabetes:

- Increased thirst

- Frequent urination, possibly bedwetting in children who are already toilet trained

- Extreme hunger

- Unintentional weight loss

- Fatigue

- Irritability or change in behavior

- Breath smells of fruit

Causes of diabetes in children.

Beware of diabetes in children


For parents, it is important to know what causes diabetes in children. There are two types of diabetes that affect children, namely type 1 and 2 diabetes. The following are the causes of diabetes in children.

1. Type 1 diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes is the type that most often occurs in children. Type 1 diabetes in children occurs due to an autoimmune disorder that attacks the immune system and pancreas so that pancreatic function is disrupted. As a result, the pancreas cannot produce insulin which functions to convert glucose into energy. When insulin is not met, it can accumulate in the bloodstream and cause various problems in the body.

Here are some causes of the risk of type 1 diabetes in children:

- Genetic

- Have parents or siblings who also suffer from type 1 diabetes

- The child has a viral infection

2. Type 2 diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes is rare in children. However, children can get type 2 diabetes because it is caused by obesity. Type 2 diabetes is different from type 1 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes occurs due to insulin resistance. This condition occurs when the body has difficulty using insulin to convert blood sugar into energy even though insulin levels in the body are still normal.

The causes of type 2 diabetes in children are as follows:

- Family history of type 2 diabetes

- Children born prematurely

- Being overweight or obese

- Born to a mother with gestational diabetes during pregnancy

- Poor lifestyle, such as frequently consuming fatty and high-calorie foods and rarely moving

How to deal with children who have diabetes.

Treating type 1 diabetes in children.

If a child has type 1 diabetes, it must be treated quickly. Treating diabetes means keeping blood sugar levels within a healthy range. The ways to deal with children with type 1 diabetes are as follows.

Check blood sugar levels.

1. Blood glucose meter.

Most children with type 1 diabetes need to check their blood sugar before eating and before bed. This happens about four times a day, and sometimes more often. Diabetes can be checked using a blood glucose meter.

2. Continuous glucose monitor (CGM).

A continuous glucose monitor is a device that can measure sugar levels. This tool uses a thread-like sensor that is placed under the skin.

Taking insulin.

Children with type 1 diabetes must take insulin so that glucose can move from the blood to the cells to be used as energy. There are two types of insulin, namely injections and pumps. This injection will be given 4 times or more every day. Insulin needles are so small that they are not painful, whereas insulin pumps use small tubes that are placed just under the skin.

Eat nutritious and balanced food.

Children who suffer from type 1 diabetes must watch their food. Additionally, children with this disease must maintain a proper balance between food, insulin, and exercise to keep their blood sugar in a healthy range. Counting carbohydrates in meals and snacks is a serious concern for maintaining sugar levels in the body.

Treating type 2 diabetes in children.

Beware of diabetes in children


If a child has been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, he or she must receive serious treatment to maintain health . Here's how to treat type 2 diabetes in children.

1. Eat a healthy diet.

One way to treat type 2 diabetes is to eat a healthy diet. Healthy diet foods include fresh vegetables, fruit, lean protein, and whole grains. The key is to eat a balanced diet with the right amount of carbohydrates, protein and fat.

2. Get physical activity (exercise).

Exercising can help lower blood sugar levels. Children with type 2 diabetes need physical activity every day. If your child is not used to being active, start slowly and set clear goals. They can start with at least 15 minutes each day and increase the amount as they are able. Also include recovery time.

3. Manage weight.

Many children with type 2 diabetes are overweight. Living a healthy lifestyle is the best way to help children grow and develop well. Eating well and staying active can slow weight gain and even lead to weight loss. The benefits of weight loss have an impact on children with type 2 diabetes, although only slightly.

4. Taking type 2 diabetes medication.

If living a healthy lifestyle is not enough to keep glucose levels within a healthy range, children with type 2 diabetes may need to take one or more medications. The following are medicines that can help people with type 2 diabetes.

- Metformin

Metformin helps the body's insulin work better by bringing blood sugar into a healthy range. This drug can also help stop weight gain.

- Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist

Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 (GLP-1) receptor agonists work to lower blood sugar and help the body's insulin work better. This drug also reduces appetite which can impact weight loss.

- Sodium-glucose cotrasporter-2 (SGLT-2) inhibitors

Sodium-glucose cotrasporter-2 (SGLT-2) inhibitors help lower blood sugar by sending more glucose out of the body through urine.

- Insulin

Insulin helps sugar enter cells to produce energy. Doctors often prescribe it to people when they are first diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. This medication is also recommended if sufferers have very high blood sugar and HbA1c levels, or later in life if other treatments have not controlled blood sugar levels. Some children need it only for a short time.

- Check glucose levels

When a child has type 2 diabetes, you can control it by checking glucose levels. The goal is to keep sugar within this range as much as possible.
