
The kidneys act as the body's natural filter, filtering the blood to remove waste, toxins and excess fluid.

  22 Mei 2024 06:25 - Have you ever heard the sentence 'what you eat and drink determines the quality of your health in the future?' This is because the human body needs various kinds of nutrients so that the body carries out its functions optimally. These nutrients are obtained through the food and drinks consumed. Therefore, it is important to watch what you consume.

The reason is that unhealthy food and drink intake can have a negative impact on health. For example, obesity, malnutrition, digestive diseases, and damage to body organs, including the kidneys .

The kidneys are vital organs that have a bean-shaped shape located at the back of the stomach, just below the ribs. Despite their small size, the kidneys have a very important role in maintaining body health.

The kidneys act as the body's natural filter, filtering the blood to remove waste, toxins and excess fluid. These wastes and toxins are produced from the body's metabolism, such as urea and creatinine.

In addition, the kidneys help regulate the balance of water and electrolytes (such as sodium, potassium, and phosphorus) in the body. This balance is important for optimal body function, such as regulating blood pressure, controlling muscle contractions, and maintaining body electrolytes which are important for the nerves.

If the kidneys are damaged, there are various health problems lurking. For example, chronic kidney disease, anemia, hypertension or high blood pressure, bone disease, electrolyte balance disorders and various other complications.

So what foods and drinks have the potential to damage kidney health?

1. Foods high in salt.

Avoid kidney damage, these are foods and drinks that must be reduced  2024

Avoid kidney damage, these are foods and drinks that must be reduced

It's okay to consume foods that contain salt. However, it should not be consumed excessively. Foods that are high in salt or sodium should not be consumed excessively because they can damage the kidneys.

Launching from the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, it was found that high salt consumption can increase the risk of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in adults.

The reason is, excessive salt can increase blood pressure and kidney workload, which in the end can cause kidney damage.

2. Consuming excessive red meat and processed meat.

Avoid kidney damage, these are foods and drinks that must be reduced  2024

Avoid kidney damage, these are foods and drinks that must be reduced

Red meat and processed meat are rich in protein and iron. When the body digests protein, it produces sulfuric acid and phosphoric acid as byproducts. These acids must be excreted from the body through the kidneys. Excessive consumption of red meat and processed meat can increase the acid load on the kidneys, which can lead to renal tubular acidosis and kidney damage.

This can also be seen from research from the Harvard School of Public Health which found that people who consume 1 serving of processed red meat per day have a 20% higher risk of developing chronic kidney disease compared to men who do not consume it.

Examples of red meat foods include beef, goat and lamb. Then processed meat such as canned food, sausages, and so on.

3. Foods that contain high phosphorus.

Avoid kidney damage, these are foods and drinks that must be reduced  2024

Avoid kidney damage, these are foods and drinks that must be reduced

Phosphorus is a mineral that plays an important role in various body functions, such as healthy bones and teeth, muscle contractions, and nerve function. However, excessive consumption of phosphorus can be bad for kidney health, especially for people who already have kidney problems.

Excess phosphorus can bind calcium in the blood. Calcium buildup in the kidneys can be one of the factors causing kidney damage. Examples of foods that are high in phosphorus include red meat, chicken, duck, turkey, seafood, eggs, dairy products, and nuts. This doesn't mean you shouldn't consume this type of food, but it needs to be reduced so that your kidneys stay healthy.

4. Sweet drinks.

Avoid kidney damage, these are foods and drinks that must be reduced  2024

Avoid kidney damage, these are foods and drinks that must be reduced

Sweet drinks are high in sugar and fructose, which can increase blood pressure, bad cholesterol and inflammation. This condition can damage the kidneys. For example, soda drinks, packaged milk, colored drinks and so on.

This is because sweet drinks contain saturated fat which has the potential to increase bad cholesterol (LDL), thereby increasing the risk of heart and kidney disease.

5. Alcoholic drinks.

Avoid kidney damage, these are foods and drinks that must be reduced  2024

Avoid kidney damage, these are foods and drinks that must be reduced

Reporting from Medical News Today, alcohol has a diuretic effect, which means it increases urine production. This causes the body to lose more fluid than it consumes, which can lead to dehydration.

When the body is dehydrated, the kidneys work harder to maintain fluid balance in the body. In the long term, this condition can damage kidney tissue and disrupt its function.

6. Consuming excessive amounts of coffee and tea.

Avoid kidney damage, these are foods and drinks that must be reduced  2024

Avoid kidney damage, these are foods and drinks that must be reduced

Although tea and coffee have health benefits, consuming them in excessive amounts has the potential to increase the risk of kidney stones and dehydration. According to Healthline, caffeine can cause an increase in blood pressure. High blood pressure is one of the main risk factors for chronic kidney disease.

When blood pressure continually increases it can damage the small blood vessels in the kidneys, thereby reducing the kidneys' ability to filter blood effectively.

Meanwhile tea, especially black tea, contains high amounts of oxalate. Oxalate is one of the main components of kidney stones. Excessive tea consumption can increase oxalate levels in urine. As a result, it can increase the risk of kidney stone formation.

Foods and drinks that are good for kidney sufferers

Avoid kidney damage, these are foods and drinks that must be reduced  2024

Avoid kidney damage, these are foods and drinks that must be reduced

For kidney sufferers, it is best to consume foods and drinks that contain nutrients, healthy fats and minerals that are important to help muscles, including the heart, work well. Here are some recommendations for foods and drinks that are good for kidney sufferers to consume, including:

1. Fruits and vegetables.

Choose fruit with low potassium and phosphorus content, such as apples, pears, grapes, strawberries and blueberries. Avoid dried fruits, bananas, oranges and melons.

Next, eat green vegetables such as spinach, kale, lettuce and broccoli. Other good vegetables are cauliflower, carrots and cucumbers. Limit consumption of tomatoes, potatoes and sweet potatoes.

2. Drink water.

Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day to help remove toxins and maintain body hydration.

3. Healthy fats.

Consume healthy fats such as olive oil, avocado, nuts and seeds. Limit consumption of saturated fats and trans fats found in red meat, fried foods and processed foods.

4. Consume protein

Choose plant proteins such as beans, lentils, soybeans and tofu. Consume lean animal protein such as salmon, tuna and egg whites. Limit consumption of red meat, processed meat and offal.
