
This vaccine can provide immunity against 4 types of dengue fever.

  17 Mei 2024 04:00 - When the rainy season arrives, there are various diseases that may attack a person. One of them is dengue fever (DHF), this disease is caused by infection with the Dengue virus which is transmitted through the bite of the Aedes Aegypti mosquito or dengue fever mosquito.

This type of mosquito breeds in the rainy season because of high rainfall and stagnant water around the house. When exposed to this mosquito bite virus, a person's body can experience high fever and even muscle and joint pain.

In more severe cases, people infected with this virus will end up experiencing dengue fever or Dengue shock which can be life threatening. Even though this disease has been around for a long time in Indonesia, there is no specific treatment to treat it. However, as technology develops, there is a Dengue hemorrhagic fever vaccine which is able to prevent serious complications from this disease.

To get to know more about the dengue fever vaccine, let's look at the complete review reported by from various sources, Thursday (16/5).

Understanding the Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DBD) vaccine.

Getting to know the Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DBD) vaccine  2024


The existence of the dengue fever vaccine in Indonesia is a preventive measure to reduce the risk of transmission and the impact of this disease. The Dengue vaccine is a tetravalent vaccine (TDV) which contains the tetravalent Dengue virus which has been weakened so that it does not cause disease. On the other hand, this vaccine can stimulate a person's immune system to produce antibodies.

In other words, this tetravalent content can provide immunity against 4 types of DHF, namely Dengue serotypes 1 to 4, starting from DENV1, DENV2, DENV3, to DENV4. The dengue fever vaccine has an important role in preventing this disease, especially in areas where the dengue virus has the potential to spread widely.

Even so, the Dengue vaccine cannot guarantee 100 percent elimination of this disease. However, it is hoped that the use of this vaccine can reduce the severity of symptoms and the risk of developing dengue fever. Apart from that, it can also help control the spread of dengue fever in the community.

So is it safe to use the dengue fever vaccine?

The new dengue vaccine was first introduced to the public in 2015. Through clinical trials, researchers succeeded in finding a dengue vaccine which was proven to reduce the potential for dengue complications.

The tetravalent dengue vaccine has been shown to be safe and effective for various age groups, including children and adults. This vaccine is able to prevent dengue fever overall by up to 80.2 percent and prevent hospitalization due to the Dengue virus by up to 90.4 percent.

However, there are several side effects that may appear. generally mild to moderate but only temporary, namely around 1-3 days, such as:

- Pain or redness at the injection site
- Headache
- Muscle ache
- I am not feeling well
- Tired
- Fever

Apart from that, it does not rule out the risk of bleeding and severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis). However, this risk is very rare. Hypersensitivity is also relatively rare, accounting for less than 0.1 percent of people tested.

Thus, the tetravalent dengue fever vaccine is a safe and effective way to protect yourself from dengue fever. Apart from vaccines, it is necessary to take other preventive measures such as controlling mosquitoes and maintaining a clean life both inside and outside the home.

What are the symptoms of dengue fever (DHF) vaccine?

Getting to know the Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DBD) vaccine  2024


The Dengue vaccine, especially the tetravalent vaccine (TDV), has several main objectives, namely:

1. Prevent dengue fever.

The main purpose of this vaccine is to reduce a person's risk of contracting dengue fever. This vaccine works by stimulating the body's immune system to produce antibodies against four different types of Dengue virus, so that the body is better prepared to fight the virus if exposed to it in the future.

2. Reduces the severity of symptoms.

For people who still get dengue fever after being vaccinated, this vaccine can help relieve the symptoms they experience.

3. Prevent serious complications.

The Dengue vaccine can help prevent serious complications from dengue fever, such as severe Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) and Dengue shock syndrome (DSS) which can be fatal.

4. Reduce the burden of disease.

By reducing the number of cases and severity of dengue fever, this vaccine can help reduce the disease burden on the health system and improve people's quality of life.

5. Supports dengue fever control.

Widespread dengue vaccination can help control the spread of the dengue virus in the community. This is important to prevent outbreaks and protect vulnerable groups, such as children and the elderly.

Dengue vaccine recipients with dengue fever.

Getting to know the Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DBD) vaccine  2024


Dengue vaccine is recommended for people living in areas with a high risk of dengue fever, namely:

1. Children and adults aged 6 to 45 years. This age group is the group most vulnerable to dengue fever.

2. The vaccine will be more effective in people who have been infected with the Dengue virus before.

3. People who frequently travel to areas with a high risk of dengue fever. If you often travel to areas with a high risk of dengue fever, Dengue vaccination can help protect you from this disease.

However, please remember that the Dengue vaccine should not be given to some people with these criteria:

1. Pregnant and breastfeeding women, because there is not enough data about the safety of the Dengue vaccine in pregnant and breastfeeding women.

2. People with immune system disorders, Dengue vaccine may not be safe for people with immune system disorders.

3. People who are allergic to vaccine components definitely need to check the patient's allergies. For this reason, before giving the vaccine you will be checked whether you are allergic to certain chemicals or not.

4. People who are seriously ill, Dengue vaccination should be postponed if you are seriously ill.
Once again, before receiving the Dengue vaccine, it is important to consult a doctor. The doctor will help determine whether this vaccine is right for you or not.

Procedure for receiving the Dengue vaccine.

Getting to know the Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DBD) vaccine  2024


The following is the procedure for getting the Dengue vaccine:

1. Screening.

Patients will undergo screening by admin and medical staff at the location before vaccination. For patients with certain health conditions, it is best to consult with an internal medicine specialist (for adults) or a pediatric specialist (for babies and children) before vaccinating.

2. Age of vaccine recipient.

Dengue vaccine is given to people aged 9 to 16 years. This vaccine is also intended for children and adults, ranging from ages 645 years. However, this vaccine is mainly given to people who have been infected with the Dengue virus previously.

3. Number of doses.

The number of doses given was 3 times, each 0.5 mL.

4. Distance between injections.

The interval between each dose is six months. If vaccine administration is delayed, a doctor's consultation is needed to determine a change of schedule.

5. How to inject.

The dengue fever vaccine injection is given subcutaneously or injected into the lower layer of the skin on the upper arm.

6. Place to administer the vaccine.

Dengue vaccine can be done at clinics or hospitals that provide this service.
