Hesti's appearance when imitating beggar mothers went viral

  29 Mei 2024 05:45

Brilio.net - Hesti Purwadinata, a talented and energetic comedian, is widely known as one of the performers on the "Joking But Casual (BTS)" program on television. His ability to shake the audience's stomachs, accompanied by fresh and spontaneous chatter, is a special attraction. Plus, the Tonight Show presenter also often performs strange cosplay actions at the event.

Hesti often surprises the audience with her hilarious and creative cosplay actions. He transformed into various unique and iconic characters. Starting from fellow artists, singers, or someone who is currently viral. Many people commented that Hesti Purwadinata was very thorough when imitating someone so that she looked like a pol.

Hesti's extraordinary cosplay abilities not only entertained the audience. But it also shows his creativity and totality in his work. He always tries to give the best to fans and is always ready to appear with all kinds of surprises.

Apart from his appearance which rarely fails to imitate someone, Hesti also really understands the role well. This totality can also be seen from Hesti's efforts to imitate his behavior and speaking style. This makes the cosplay look more lively and realistic.

Are you curious about what Hesti looks like when she cosplays ? Just look at the collection of images below. Everything was collected by brilio.net from various sources on Tuesday (28/5). Finally, she transformed into the famous singer Dewi Perssik.

1. Even though her appearance is hilarious, Hesti is said to have not failed in transforming into Dewi Perssik. Apart from his appearance, he also entered by singing a song entitled Basah.

Hesti cosplay on BTS various sources

photo: TikTok/@offialtrans7

2. Recently, mothers went viral for begging while being pushy and angry. Hesti also imitated this character when she appeared on BTS. Really, their appearance and movements are really similar.

Hesti cosplay on BTS various sources

photo: TikTok/@offialtrans7

3. The moment Hesti cosplays as a gymnastics teacher, so in this segment she is referred to as Hesti Burki.

Hesti cosplay on BTS various sources

photo: TikTok/@bts_trans7

4. If Meriam Belina was really brought in, can you tell which one is the original one when put side by side like this?

Hesti cosplay on BTS various sources

photo: TikTok/@bts_trans7

5. During the last month of Ramadan, it went viral that many mothers were wearing tiger motif mukenas. Not only for praying but there are also those who go shopping. Hesti also follows her mother's style of wearing a tiger motif mukena.

Hesti cosplay on BTS various sources

photo: Instagram/@bts_trans7

6. The moment when Hesti was also asked to play an Indian character. He always appears with an eccentric expression.

Hesti cosplay on BTS various sources

photo: TikTok/@bts_trans7

7. The audience is definitely familiar with the genie character in soap operas. This is what it looks like when Hesti plays it.

Hesti cosplay on BTS various sources

photo: TikTok/@bts_trans7
