Melvina has been building a business since 2018 with capital of IDR 3.5 million. Now he has made huge profits of up to billions of rupiah per month.

  28 Mei 2024 18:20 - At barely 30 years old, Melvina Husyanti, Daviena's skincare boss, has successfully earned a turnover of billions of rupiah per month. Thanks to the results of his hard work, he succeeded in realizing his dream. He was able to buy a row of luxury cars and build a magnificent residence with an area of 1,000 square meters.

But apparently, not only that, the owner of Daviena was also able to expand his business by building a mall in his home area, Palembang. This fact was revealed from his latest upload on the TikTok page.

the story of skincare boss Melvina Husyanti  various sources

the story of skincare boss Melvina Husyanti

"Failed to build a second Indomaret, owner Daviena was determined to build a mall," wrote Melvina accompanying her upload, Tuesday (28/5).

It appears that the 4-story building is no less magnificent than the residence. Unfortunately, the magnificent building was not completely finished. Melvina is still decorating the interior. However, he was very happy to be able to realize this dream at the age of 27, after previously building a retail minimarket next to his house.

the story of skincare boss Melvina Husyanti  various sources

the story of skincare boss Melvina Husyanti

"So when I was 27 years old, I was determined to build a mall, even if it was a miniature version. In life, no one knows, right? Who knows, in the future I will actually be able to build a mall. Words are prayers," he explained.

This business was built because he couldn't just rely on online business alone. Later, Melvina will sell various products ranging from skincare, cosmetics, to glassware. He sells all of this at a cheaper price compared to other shops.

the story of skincare boss Melvina Husyanti  various sources

the story of skincare boss Melvina Husyanti

"Everything is here, except for basic necessities. Starting from skincare, cosmetics, children's clothes, adult clothes, children's school clothes, stationery, to glassware which I seriously sell," he added.

Melvina admits that her current success is thanks to her hard work when she was young. Although it cannot be denied that he has gone through many obstacles and twists and turns in business. Before starting the skincare business, Melvina started her career as a counter guard.

Not long after working as a counter employee, he chose to help sell ginger cream. This business made Melvina successful and started selling skincare products. He has been building his business since 2018 with capital of IDR 3.5 million. After two years of production, Daviena Skincare finally received a distribution permit from BPOM RI.

In early 2023, Melvina Husyanti tried another business, namely selling negligees called Vindana. This idea emerged because every content member always wore a negligee. He also sells various negligees online. He did not expect that his business would succeed in making a turnover of more than IDR 480 million just by doing live streaming for two hours.

the story of skincare boss Melvina Husyanti  various sources

the story of skincare boss Melvina Husyanti

"I didn't expect that my new business would bear fruit again. By doing live streaming, I reached a turnover of more than 480 million in 2 hours live," he explained.

Apart from that, Melvina also often promotes her skincare products via live TikTok. In one of his contents, he displays a laptop screen analyzing sales data in the form of a sales growth chart. It can be seen that sales of laptop screens reached more than IDR 5 billion in just one day.

the story of skincare boss Melvina Husyanti  various sources

the story of skincare boss Melvina Husyanti

It didn't stop there, he also expanded his business again by building a minimarket retail business. Melvina said that opening a minimarket business is a form of meeting needs. This is because he and his family and working staff often shop at minimarkets.
